Chapter 4

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Tori got up the next morning and dreaded going to school.She got dressed anyway and made it to school faster than usual.She walked in and saw Jade shoving books into her locker.Tori thought about approaching her but decided against it.She didn't want one of Jade's favourite scissors to be put in a place scissors don't go.She stared at Jade until Jade caught her eye,after which Tori quickly looked away.

Today was the first day of practice and Tori already avoided Jade's eyes.Her heart sank a little but she decided it couldn't go on unless they wanted to fail Sikowitz's class.She strode up to Tori who was busy near her locker and grabbed her by the wrist,dragging her into the janitor's closet."What was that for?",said Tori while Jade was busy locking the door.She took a step towards Tori and said,"Listen,Vega.We have a play to practise for and I won't be able to do it if we currently hate each other."

"I don't hate-",but Jade cut Tori off."Whatever.So,friends?"Tori broke into a wide grin and said, "Friends."Jade smiled then mumbled,"Friends?Let's keep it that way",under her breath.Tori was about to ask Jade what she said when she slammed the door shut behind her.Sighing,Tori opened the door and went off to her first class.When it was time for lunch,she joined her usual clique at the table and sat next to Jade.

Jade didn't look at Tori throughout lunch except for when she noticed ketchup on the side of Tori's face."Vega,you got some ketchup right there",and she leaned forward and wiped the ketchup away just like she did with the hot cocoa.Tori went as red as the ketchup and smiled at Jade who gave Tori her signature smirk.After school,they stayed back to write their scripts and practise.Since Jade and Tori were the main characters,they were given alone time to write their scripts in silence.The two girls were seated at the back of the stage where it was deathly quiet.They sat together,scribbling away on notebooks when Tori threw down her pencil in defeat."I can't think!"Jade rolled her eyes and grabbed Tori's notebook.There were only two lines written and Jade had to try hard not to burst out laughing.

"How about we just write it together?"Tori's eyes lit up and looked over to Jade who was patting the floor beside her for Tori to sit.Cautiously,she stood up and took a seat next to Jade,their arms brushing slightly.They locked eyes for a couple of seconds before discussing about their script when Andre peeked his head round the corner to see if Jade and Tori had ripped each other's heads off yet.Finally noticing the shadow staring at them,Jade said,"What?"Andre walked towards them and said,"We're all going for lunch.Come with?"Jade stood up and gave Tori a hand.They stretched and followed Andre to meet the others outside.

Beck was waiting near his car and was about to pull Jade forward when Tori stepped in and said, "Sorry Beck,Jade and I wanna talk about our script.She'll ride with me."Beck gave Jade a piercing glare but smiled brightly at Tori."Sure",he said,walking to his car with clenched fists. Jade sighed in relief and turned to Tori."Thank you so much."Tori smiled at Jade and looked back at the others."Where're we going?"All of them thought for a moment or two before saying, "Pizza?"It was agreed upon so they set their GPS's to the new pizzeria that had opened up somewhere in town.

Tori got in the car and Jade eased herself into the passenger's seat next to her."Sure you won't kill me,Vega?"Tori scoffed and the car lurched forward,Jade letting out a scream of shock."What the hell was that for?"Tori winked at Jade and said,"Just wanted to hear you scream."Jade clutched at her chest,calming herself down.She let out a laugh and soon both girls were laughing till their stomachs hurt."So maybe you're not as innocent as I thought you were,Vega." Tori put on a proud smile and said,"Yeah maybe I'm not."There was silence for a moment when Jade said,"Truth or dare?"Tori thought for a couple of seconds before saying,"Truth."Jade scoffed and said,"Do you think I'm hot?"Tori began blushing really badly until Jade noticed and giggled."Answer the question,Vega."Tori sighed and said,"Yes,yes I think you're hot."It was Jade's turn to blush and Tori smirked at the sight."Truth or dare?"Without the slightest bit of hesitation, Jade answered,"Dare."Tori,caught up in the heat of the moment,said,"Dare you to kiss my cheek."Jade's face contorted weirdly and Tori quickly continued with,"I'm just kidding,chill."

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