Chapter 1: Deadbeat

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"Get Out."
    My body tensed up, and my heart dropped upon hearing those words,"My lord- Sire, I assure you that this wasn't my doing- I could ha-"
    "You have failed to hold the line once again, and you have the audacity to come here and ask for my forgiveness rather than die with your men? No, leave this place and never return, or I will take your life along with your position in my Kingdom. Get out of my sight!" Lord Kubrick shouted.
    In shock, I rose stiffly from my knee and walked to the exit of the grand hall with a terrifying silence. Every Coalsarian Guard's eyes glued to my shameful walk as I left. But as soon as the doors closed behind me, and the Kingdom of Sole's cold night air met my skin, the shame of my failure washed away. I returned to my previous bitter state, the cynical feeling that loomed over me naturally.
    It finally happened, the failure of a lifetime. My role as Commander of the army's lighting legion, was finally taken away. Worst of all, my enemy decided to leave me as the soul survivor. So I took every bit of blame for the loss. They must have known I was a great commander, that's why they left me alive. So the King would exile me, and put me to the lowest of the low.
    As I limped down the lit streets of Sole, I replayed the battle in my head, over and over. How the Volton warriors cut down my front line, and their archers cowardly shot down my flanking troops. How that hooded man stood over me and... and spared my life. Why couldn't I go down with my Legion?
    I shook away the thoughts and looked up and down the streets. They were lit with colorful lanterns, and packed with our notorious merchants. None of which seemed interested in making eye contact with me.
    "Perhaps I'll drink this away." I thought entering a tavern I visited often. I shoved my hands in my jacket pockets and avoided looking at anyone, despite their friendly faces. The only person I was interested in was the bartender, who had both the drinks, and my friendship. I call him 'Reg', and I appreciated his Nihilism. He understood me and my  frustrations, and never seemed to have any interest in what my career or social  status was at the time.
    What's funny about Reg is that he barely spoke to me ever since I've gone to his Bar. But that changed a year ago. He took more interest in me after I stopped an attempted robbery. I didn't need to do much. As a commander the street thugs backed down rather quickly, but that gave Reg a reason to take interest in me I suppose.
    I made a nod towards him as he finished serving drinks to a few folks in the corner, and he shrugged. As I sat down on the bar stool farthest away from others, Reg strolled over,"You don't look like the triumphant Commander Ford I'm used to." He said, his tired eyes showing some interest in my expression.
    I shook my head,"I'm not one to walk around with my chest out, and don't call me that anymore." I argued.
    "Why's that?" He asked, cleaning some glasses and listening in.
    "Well I'm not really going by that title as of ten minutes ago." I admitted.
    Reg stopped cleaning a mug for a moment and turned back to me,"Oh, dang. I uh, didn't know it was that bad. Sorry Alex."
    "Don't be, it's not your problem, but I could use a drink if you don't mind." I said.
    Reg nodded and quickly prepared one,"Was it bad? They take Fort Solarium?"
"And killed all my men but me, and I had to go back to Lord Kubrick, and he threw me out- revoked my role as Commander. I've relived the horror in my head enough times that I've-"
"Sounnnds stressful." Reg interrupted, and resumed cleaning the glasses behind the counter.
I scowled,"Yeah because you know so much about stress, bartender."
"Alright I get it, you don't have to bust my balls. I'm lousy in a fight anyways I'd just slow you down." Reg admitted.
He handed me the drink and I tossed him a silver piece. Reg looked at in confused,"It's only 5 copper, Alex-"
"Tip" I said quickly, and began to drink.
He nodded and leaned against the counter, looking around at the various people in the pub. Strangely, some kid had energetically hopped up on the barstool next to me, and received a stare from both me and Reg. His bright features somewhat disgusted me, but he was noticeably armed with a thin and sharp looking blade. On his back was a ranger's pack. He pulled out 10 copper pieces and placed them on the counter.
Reg blinked at him doubtfully,"You uh... got any ID, kid?"
"Oh, of course! Sorry I'm from Volton, Most bartenders know me there." He said, and pulled out a Volton Identification card.
"Volton? He's Volton and has the nerve to come up to me? In my own kingdom? Who does he think he is?" I thought angrily.
Sure enough I was quick to notice the small emblem on his pack, and if I hadn't lost my weapon in my previous battle, I would have struck him down. Reg took his money,"It's only 5 copper, kid."
"I'll get a second for him, thanks." He said, pointing to me.
    "I don't think you know me, boy." I said, harshly.
    He sort of laughed,"Actually, you don't know me. You're Commander Ford. Leader of The Kingdom of Sole's Legendary Lightning Legion. One of the most versatile legions in world. But lacking in... Magic. Mostly brute force and tactics. Leading to encumberment and... a recent failure if I'm not mistaken."
    I looked back at Reg to make sure I wasn't drunk or hallucinating this kid's presence, but he shrugged. I was awake, for sure,"You said you were from Volton? How do you know all this about me?" I asked. I could feel my blood boiling at this point.
    "If you couldn't tell, I've been around" He said proudly, and hoisted his ranger pack closer to him.
    Reg had finished the drinks and cautiously slid them our way."Right... you seem to know a lot, what are you doing in Sole territory though?" Reg asked.
    "Yeah do tell, I hope it's good too, because most people here don't like your type." I said with a growl.
    "Oh, right. Name's Osprey, I've been... well exploring in short, but Volton has some lazy people who don't like making their way out here by foot. So I do it for them and get what they need. Or ya know, I try.  It's a long story-"
    "By foot? You can't cross the Catalyst Valley by foot kid." I said, in disbelief.
    "Sure I can! Most creatures don't bother you if you're light on your feet! I know my stuff!" Osprey argued.
    His boasting made me numb. Reg held up Osprey's ID and looked at it one more time before sliding it his way. He was barely of age from what I could tell. The thought of an early twenties ranger making his way through the Kingdom of Sole was not something I expected to see.
    Osprey took a sip of his drink and cleared his throat,"So, you uh... still in control?" He asked hesitantly.
    I gave him the hardest death stare I could muster,"No, my legion is dead, and my last fort is taken over by your country's armies. So you should understand why I'm not in the mood to be dealing with you."
    "Oh, well that sucks. I was actually kinda hoping to talk with you so more." He said.
    "Why's that?" I asked, not caring to gaze his way anymore.
    Osprey shifted in his seat a bit,"Hmm, well remember when I said I was sent to gather thing others didn't want to come out here to get? I was sent out here to get you... or try at least."
    We were all silent and Reg's casual expression became more shocked than I'd ever seen,"You what?"
    "N-not to kill him or anything! That came out wrong. Uh, listen. I know you really messed up at Fort Solarium right? I was sent this way to see if I could interest you in... work. Now that you're not really employed or anything-" Osprey stuttered.
    "He lost his job like ten minutes ago kid, now might not be the best time to be asking when he'll be back on his feet. Plus something tells me this work is in Volton, not Sole. So if you can convince an ex commander of a legion that's been dearly devoted to Lord Kubrick, then be my guest." Reg said.
    Osprey nodded, an awkward expression on his face."Yeah, I kinda knew this whole thing was a long shot. But hey, it was a fun journey here." He said.
    "How long have you been on the trails, kid?" I asked.
    Osprey laughed,"Trails? That's a good one. I don't take trails, I know my shortcuts and It's been about a two-week long journey."
    "By foot..."
    "That's right, by foot."
    I sighed,"I-I feel sort of obligated to at least hear some details."
    Osprey gave a sheepish grin. Then hopped down from the bar stool.
    "Hey you forgot the drink, kid. Where are you off too?" Reg asked.
    "That's fine, I'll see you outside Alex. I didn't come alone, you know!"

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