Chapter 12 : Self-Control

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A/N :

Hey guys! My exam is almost over and got three paper left next week. Yay! ^^ I'm finally here to kill the cliffhanger in the last chapter. Let me.

Bam! ( last chapter cliffhanger rip )

Sorry for the long wait but here you go. Enjoy~



Third Person P.O.V.

The sky looked gloomy today. The sun was clouded by black clouds. There was no sounds of birds chirping nor sounds of mobians talking because everyone locked up themselves from the outside. They are now live in fear, only hoping for a saviour to come and rescue them from this terror. Also hoping for their blue hero to put an end to this.

Back at the war

Suddenly, Sonic screamed and growled like a wild animal. He just snapped as everyone stared at him in shock as the ground was shaking and lightning boomed in the sky dangerously. Circe’s heart dropped in shock as the cobalt hero’s fur changed and his iris vanished from sight as he continued to scream in pain.

“We’re too late, son. It has begun.” Chaos stated. “There was nothing we can do to interfere.” he added sadly.

“That’s impossible! There must be something we can do!!” the ebony king protested.

“This war has been arranged thousands of years ago, son. The fate of this battle is inevitable.” he paused. “Certainly, there would be blood to be drop. What can we do now is wait. Your son is strong will. I’m sure he will pull this through.” he said with overwhelming hope and determination.

He muttered lowly,“I sure am hope he does.” he added, “I hope he didn’t become like me….” he murmured lowly.

As the screaming of pain died down, the transformation has completed as a disturbing chuckle echoed throughout the atmosphere.

“Hehehehehe…I’m free, at last….” he muttered to himself as he looked into the puddle of water with his reflection in it. He studied his once royal blue fur that now navy blue fur with dark aura surrounded his being. Also his glowing white eyes with no iris in it. His expression remained expressionless.

Then, he glanced back at Mephiles with a murderous aura swirled around him like he was burning alive and he looked at the dark demon furiously. “And you,” he stopped. “You will pay for causing him this torment!” suddenly, he lunged at Mephiles as he chuckled maniacally.

“And who is ‘him’ you were referring to?” he grinned madly as he dodged his attacks.

The expression on his face unchanged. But it looked like he was ticked off. “You know exactly who I was talking about.” he continued to punching and kicking the guy until one moment his fist caught his jaw as Mephiles was set off flying across the room till his back hit the wall. But, he just continued on smiling maniacally.

He snickered as he wiped off the blood near his lips. “ You know what they said, father like son.” he gasped for air. “To answer your question earlier, yes, I do know who you were talking about.” he paused. “Let me tell you about a little dark secret about your father.” he said it out loud on purpose.

“Oh, yeah? You think I care?” the speedster glared at him in the eyes. “Did I say you can say anything?” he said as he moved so fast that no one could see him except for a blur as he gave Mephiles an uppercut and kicked his back to ground so hard, leaving a huge crack on the ground.

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