2 - A Walk In The Park

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2-A Walk In The Park 

The day was sunny. It was about ten in the morning, and the park was alive with small, giggling children chasing after stray Frisbees and run away balls. It was busy because of the weather, and the ceaseless traffic brushing past her for once made her smile. She never liked large crowds, she far preferred to be on her own, but today as Madeline walked through the park, she didn't mind everyone around her for once. She was out walking Fluffy as usual, and on nice days she usually never went to the park. She never went to this particular park at all really, but since the night before... Julian had told her that he usually played at this park and she had thought that she might just walk by and 'accidentally' run into him. There was no harm in that, right? The walk home with him had been nice, she just liked the company and Julian was definitely a good conversationalist. Not to mention the eyes... But she didn't even want to go there.

She had dolled up more than usual for a walk in the park due to her mission, and even her dog seemed to notice the change in attitude. Fluffy was a big dog, and usually protective of her. That was the main reason she'd gotten him anyway, aside from companionship. She wasn't the strongest girl ever and he did make her feel safe. He always growled if anyone shady got too close, and now, even more than usual. Perhaps Fluffy knew something was up and was jealous? She couldn't tell. Something was definitely in the air though. She was nervous to run into him, in case he would see through her facade and think she was creepy. She didn't even know what she was going to say if she saw him. She just knew she wanted to hear him play and run into him. After that, the plan was a little shaky.

It didn't take long to find him though. The park wasn't huge, and once she heard the faint strumming of a guitar in the distance, all she had to do was try not to grin so broadly and look like a creep as she followed the sound. Kids rushed past her and mothers with babies told them to stay close, but once she came into sight of him she couldn't notice anything else.

He was sitting on a bench, with his guitar case out in front of him, singing Three Little Birds by Bob Marley. His singing voice was flowing and deep and gentle, even better than she had hoped it would be. She approached him slowly, not wanting to interrupt. Nobody else really seemed to be listening to him, or throwing much money into the case as they walked by. If she didn't know him she would at least even stop to listen for awhile, he was quite good. But the only audience he seemed to have was the group of drunks on the bench opposite him, singing along badly with his guitar playing. Julian was immersed in his music, and it was plain on his face. Until, he happened to look up and see her. Once their eyes met he couldn't help the smile that spread across his face, and the last few lines of the song were really just for her.

"Singing don't worry, about a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright - won't worry! Every little thing is gonna be alright,"He played the last few chords on his guitar, smiling at Maddy, this was by far the most interesting audience he'd had all day. And not to mention- the most beautiful. "It's about time our paths crossed."

She nodded, finally reaching the bench he was sitting at. "Most definitely. That was great. You're really good- not that it surprises me. You look a lot better than you did yesterday night, if I may say so. Oh, and this is Fluffy, of course. In case you hadn't already guessed." She did realize that she was rambling just a little bit but it was hard not to. She had been worried about what she would say but now it felt as if she was saying far too much. It was almost like he was too easy to talk to, she just had to spill everything all at once. Julian didn't really notice though- or mind. He was just happy to see her. He almost felt a little awkward right now, being unable to wipe the stupid grin off his face. He had been expecting to see her today, but not quite so soon. She always brought a smile to his face. He had been hoping she'd walk by but he had doubted it, so he had told himself that later he would walk around her place like a creepy stalker in order to just 'bump into her' as if by accident. She had a dog, after all, so she'd have to come out sometime, right? He just really wanted to see her, after she had boosted his mood so much yesterday. He was just so excited to finally be able to start getting to know her. It was strange for him, usually he didn't go after girls like this, but Maddy was different. Way different.

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