I can't take it anymoreThe pain is too much to handle
It feels like i'm getting burned by a candle
I don't know what to do
I'm just lost
What should I do
I don't know how to live
I feel like I am changing inside
Becoming darker and darker
Being a loner
Trying to stay alive
Maybe I should give up
Shut up
I can't do that
I need to stay alive
I need to protect my family
Even though they don't want me anymore
I need to fight
I can't let the voices in my head win
I cant let my hope die
Or I might cry
You should give up
No wait your a loser
Your useless
I said shut up
I need to stay alive
I have a life
I am someone inside
I was born to be happy
Like a puppy
You are weak
No one likes you
Shut up
Be quiet
I may be weak but that is who I am
No one may like me but they don't matter
They aren't in my life
I know now
I know who I am
I can fight
I now have my hope burning inside
I can now live a life.