All I Want Is Someone To Know Me

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All I want is one person to know me
All I want is one person to see who I am

Why is it so hard

Am I just that broken

What's wrong with me

Am I a mistake

Can't I just have a break

I don't know if I can handle it

I need someone to talk to

Someone to lean on

All I want is someone to heal me

And not to judge me

I feel like I will suffocate

I feel like a fake

I lie to myself and to others

I lie that I am ok

But I am really, just lost

There is no one in this world who can fix me

There is no one in this world who will save me

I just need to let go

Let my emotions flow

I need to know

That my family will never see

The true me

Why do I feel so empty

Even though I keep my pain inside

Why won't the voices leave

Why won't they just go

They already broke me

Why do they do they still torture me

There is no hope

Why can't you just let me go

Why am I a failure

Why am I weak

All I want is someone to know me.

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