Chapter 8

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'Wasn't I just with kookie? How am I with this Mark guy? Wait... he looks like someone I know. OMO.'

"Mark, right? Sorry but where am I?" I asked him.

"Yes and your at my dorm that I share with my friends as well, also you are currently in my room so the others don't bother you as much." He said.

Knock knock knock

Someone was knocking on the door before they just walked in.

"Mark hurry up we have to practice remember. Oh hi there. I'm Bambam nice to meet you. What's your name?" The new guy asked.

"Nice to meet you to Bambam. I'm Y/n." I replied back.

'Now I know for sure that this is THE MARK from GOT7. Dam I can't believe that I got to meet and hang out with BTS and now meet Mark and Bambam from GOT7.' I thought to myself.

"Y/n there's some food and drinks in the kitchen if your hungry or thirsty. If you need anything else just call me or Bambam. We'll be in the practice room. Okay." Mark said before walking out of the room.

After they left I stayed in Marks' room for awhile before going to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Who are you and why are you in our dorm?" I heard another guys voice behind me.

"A-ah... u-um... I'm y-y-y/n. A-and-" I was saying when I heard someone cut me off.

"Jackson! Sorry I didn't tell you but this is            Y/n." Mark said running up to us. "Y/n this is Mark. One of my friends that lives here with me and Bambam. There's more that live here too. The rest are in the practice room waiting for me and Jackson, so if you want after you eat you can come down and meet them." He said dragging Jackson behind him to the practice room.

- at BTS' dorm -
"How could you just leave her there. She was unconscious someone could've kidnapped her. AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED KOOKIE. YOU LET SOMEONE KIDNAP HER. WHO KNOWS WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE THEY ARE. EVEN WORSE WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY COULD BE DOING TO HER." Jin yelled at Jungkook.

"I'm sorry hyung I really am. It's just we tried to call everyone to see what to do but no one answered, so we went to go find you guys and by the time we got back to where she was laying she wasn't there. I really didn't mean to let someone kidnap her I really didn't. Im sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. I really am." He said while starting to cry.

"Kookie it's not your fault. You were trying to do the right thing and find us to help her, but one of you could've stay with her so this didn't have to happen." Jimin said in a soft low voice to calm Jungkook down a little.

- back at GOT7s' dorm -

I was curious about were kookie and the rest were so after I ate I went to the practice room to ask Mark where they were and to see if I could go back home or to BTS's dorm. I really didn't feel comfortable here.

"Hey Mark can I talk with you for a minute?" I said over the music that they were dancing to.

"Sure, what do you want to talk about?" He said turning the music off and coming over to were I was.

"Well the last thing I remember before waking up in your room was that I was with my friends in the park. Do you perhaps know were they are and why I'm here?" I asked. All he did was give me a confused look.

"Friends? There wasn't anyone near you in the park when I found you lying on the ground unconscious." He said. "Who are your friends that you were with maybe I know them and can tell them where you are so they don't freak out or something."

"Oh.. okay. Well when I fell the last person I was with was Jungkook from BTS." When I said that he immediately went to his phone and started dialing a number.

"Hey umm I may have something your look for. Umhm...yah... okay... see you then... yah I promise we won't do anything... okay Jesé you don't have to yell... bye now see you later."

"Who did you call? It sounded like they were either mad or happy with you. Maybe both at the same time? I don't know anymore." I said.

"You'll find out tomorrow. Go sleep your going to have a rough day tomorrow." He said walking away.

"WAIT WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TP SLEEP!" I asked all he did was wink at me with made me uncomfortable and blush at the same time. I also knew what he meant when he did that. He wanted me to sleep in his room.

- the next day -

I woke up to the smell of food being cooked. As I walked to the living room I was greeted by Bambam.

"Hey y/n. How'd you sleep? When I got up this morning I heard you say something in your sleep. What were you dreaming about?" He asked as we went to go eat.

"Good morning to you too. I slept well and I can't remember what I dreamt last night sorry but could you tell me what I was saying if you remember please." I answered sleepily.

"Oh...umm I don't remember what you said just that you were saying something." He said blushing a little.

- time skip -
All the members of GOT7 and me got into the car and we're now heading somewhere. They wouldn't tell me where we were going.

'I wonder if going to meet who ever Mark was talking to on the phone yesterday? Hmm maybe I know them?' I thought as the car stopped.

"Mark where are we?" I was saying when someone walked out of no where and opened the door to the car. Before I could see who it was they dragged me out of the car into a huge while six others joined saying saying things at the same time.

"Guys. Guys calm down I'm okay I promise. You can stop worrying now okay." I said when I realized that the seven guys that were hugging me to death was BTS.

"Y/n're sure you're okay? They didn't do anything to you did they?" Jin asked looking me from head to toe to see if I was hurt anywhere.

"Eomma I'm fine you can stop worrying about me now." I said.

"You sure they didn't do anything to you? If they did I'll beat them up for you." Rm said glaring at GOT7.

"Appa stop glaring at them they didn't do anything to me. If anything they just left me alone." I reassured him.

"I'm so sorry y/n. I sorry that I made you fall and go unconscious and also for leaving you for them to find you and take you home with them. I'm so sorry." Kookie was saying when all of a sudden I was kissing him.

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