Chapter 14. Awoken

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We're never changing, we'll stay the same and,

We'll never change at all,

We're never changing, we'll stay the same and,

We'll never change at all,






Again I was awoken by the rude machine. This time when I woke up I could move, and open my eyes.

I opened my eyes slowly, trying to get used to the lighting, and the extremely white walls. At first it was all blurry, but slowly I got used to it.

''Urg,'' I groaned and turned on my side, trying to get away from the blinding light.

''Marie?'' I heard someone ask, a tint of hope in their voice. I tried to see who it was, but my eyes still shouldn't open. I could feel the water in my eyes, every time I tried opening them.

I breathed out heavily and slowly tried opening my eyes.

''Marie?'' The same voice asked again, but this time shocked. I vaguely recognized the voice. It was the same voice as last time I tried waking up. At least I could move this time.

I opened my eyes fully, not caring about the stinging pain, or the fact that they were getting wet.

I could finally start seeing. As I had suspected it was the hospital and to my left was a boy. Well, not a boy, more like, the boy. Yes, he is a boy, but- ya know what, never mind.

''Jack (G)?'' I asked, noticing him sitting in the chair right by the very uncomfortable hospital bed.

He smiled once he saw me interacting and quickly ran to the door. He leaned out the door.

''She's up!'' he yelled, making me deaf. They could probably hear that in France if by farther away.

I heard footsteps and soon I saw Jack (J) standing by the door too, with three doctors behind him. They pushed past him to the computer by the white bed and started typing something.

Jack (J), on the other hand, he ran full speed to my side. He grabbed my hand quickly, but carefully and held it tightly.

''Don't you ever do that to me again!'' he exclaimed while hugging me tightly. I chucked. He was acting like an overprotective brother. And I don't know if that's good or bad...

''I nearly died in that waiting room, Marie!'' he yelled kissing my forehead. His voice was shaky. He was shaky. No really, his whole body was shaking like crazy.

''Jack, I'm okay'' I whispered to him, reassuring him. He nodded and I could finally see his glassy, red, puffy eyes.

I pulled him in for another short hug. It felt nice to have someone who cared so much.

''Everything seems to be fine, you can Lear this afternoon,'' the doctor smiled and left the room, the other three in his heels.

Jack and Jack sat down next to each other on my left side.

"How long have I been here?'' I asked, hoping I didn't waste a whole day in here.

''A couple days,'' Jack (J) sighed and I nearly choked on my own spit. A couple DAYS?! That's why my back is so stiff, I have been laying here for A LONG TIME.

''Yeah, we insisted that the others left,'' Jack (G) said looking at Jack (J).

''You guys left too, right?'' I raised an eyebrow, hoping they didn't spend most of their time here. They must have left.

''Uhm... Not really,'' Jack (J) chuckled. I felt guilt in my stomach and grimaced.

"Why didn't you leave?" I asked flatly, hoping it wasn't 100% cause of me.

They looked at each other and then back to me. They smiled widely and I sighed.

"Well, you were here, and... We were just so nervous," Jack (J) said. He pulled me in for another hug.

"I'm so happy you're okay," he breathed in my ear.

"Yeah..." I sighed.


I wanted to make this a long chapter, but I decided just to put this out there.


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