Chapter 17. Dinner and Surprise

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Swear we'll never change,
Just me and you,
We're just living in paradise.


"That's amazing, Melanie!" Jack (G) exclaimed again, making everyone else roll their eyes. I put my elbow on the table, going against everything my mother always taught me about manners.

"Yeah," she smirked, shrugging casually like it was nothing. She knew where she had him, and she loved it. He was twisted around his finger, and the only one who couldn't see it was him.

"Are you ready to order?" The male grinned, a little too confident.

"Yes," Nash answered looking at everyone else.

"I'll start," Melanie interrupted, just as Nash was about to tell the order what he wanted. He looks affected, but shrugged it off, knowing he wouldn't win the battle even if he tried.

"I want the garden salad, and a glass of red wine," she said, all to well. I looked at her confused raising an eyebrow at her wishes. The waiter stopped trying to be fancy and looked at her shocked.

"Miss, how old are you?" He asked, also raising an eyebrow. She sighed.

"I forgot, I'm not in Europe anymore," she giggled and looked back at the waiter.

"I will just have some water then," she smirked. I rolled my eyes at her attempt of acting rich and professional and grown up. In my mind, she couldn't be more immature. She just had to say that, after telling us about living in Europe, where you only have to be 18 to drink. Even if I lived in Europe I wouldn't be old enough to drink...

Jack (G) looked at her sympathetically and put his hand on her shoulder, whispering something in her ear. Probably something cute and reassuring. Urg.

I looked at Taylor and Nash, telling them through my eyes it was completely ridiculous. They chuckled when they saw my face and turned back to the waiter, who I had completely forgotten was there.

"Okay..." He said confused and turned to me.

"What will you have, miss?" He asked, the smirk returning to his face. I rolled my eyes at the cocky boy and looked down at the menu.

"I'll have... The steak and... Just some, Uhm, water" I smiled, trying not to be rude like *couch* others *cough*.

Melanie fake coughed and looked at me. The others didn't notice, but I looked over at her. She made a circle with her two fingers and I glared at her.

While Jack (J) was ordering, I interrupted quickly, rethinking my order.

"Uhm, actually, I would, Uhm, rather have the... Garden salad as well, please?" I asked, gaining confused looks from the boys. Well, not Jack (G), he was too into Melanie. I could feel her smirk and I looked down at the table, feeling quite uncomfortable.

"Oh, okay," the waiter shrugged and crossed out my previous order on his small pad. Jack (J) returned to ordering, as I got lost in my thoughts. Maybe I should start eating less, I mean, that was a big meal for one person. I'll consider it later, when I'm alone, and not in the company of other people.

"Why did you leave Europe?" I asked Melanie, interrupting the whisper game they were currently having. She turned to me startled, and a little taken back by my courage to ask her that. I felt so sassy.

"Well, Uhm-"

"Or did you just move?" I asked, leaning a little over the table, getting angrier by the second. She has gotta stop being so snobby. I know I'm pushing my limits, and this is probably really dangerous, cause I know she has something on me, but I just can't stop.

Paradise (Never Change) | Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now