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sunshine, moonlight
sugar, salt
bliss, pain
lighthearted, lovesick
taehyung, yoongi.

sitting next to each other in class, desks put together, there sat taehyung and yoongi. other with a smile and a paintbrush, the other focusing hard on his coloring.

"why does your drawings always look better than mine?" yoongi looked at the boy next to him with a pout, pointing at the watercolour work he's doing.

"they don't, silly! if you want to know how i do mine, i'll tell you a secret. ready?"

"yes, tell me."

"i think of happy thoughts! don't focus too much."

yoongi was confused, "but how do i not focus too much?" they made eye-contact, with taehyung smiling brightly. "start off with just letting your hand flow and guide you through the drawing."

yoongi was sitting in the armchair of his study, headphones on his ears and eyes closed, listening to what he's made so far.

"no, no, that's awful," he opened his eyes and fixed his mistakes, "there. and this here." he was talking to himself to make clear he was actually doing what he's saying. this was just like any other day to him, nothing special. toast and eggs for breakfast with black coffee, afterwards just straight to continuing his work inside. he wasn't a messy guy and lived by himself, so there really wasn't a lot of chores to do daily.

after some other fixing and adding, he stood up from his chair to stretch and thought to himself that he'll do the finishing touches later, now going to fill up his fridge with groceries and make himself a well-deserved, relaxing bath. yoongi let out a yawn and made his way downstairs, grabbing his keys, jacket and wallet with him before stepping outside. he had to cover his eyes at first because of the brightness, you see, he's been locked up inside doing work for days straight, the only thing maybe slightly opening a window to let fresh air inside but honestly, nothing else. and he would be lying if he said he's been taking care of his hygiene properly lately.. it's not that yoongi didn't care, but he gets stressed easily, and when stressed, he forgets to take care of himself. but he was also glad to be outside again, finally the sunshine getting to touch his pale skin.

getting to the store, the cool air gladly met him inside and yoongi grabbed a cart. he regretted not ever making shopping lists, but he tried to imagine a list of things he needed and came here for. were ice cream and donuts something he needed? no. were they something he wanted? ... yes. cmon, give this poor man a rest, he has worked almost breaklessly the whole week, now is the time for him to enjoy doing and eating what he hasn't gotten in some time. so, with a quick move, yoongi took some mint chocolate chip ice cream onto his cart along with a few chocolate donuts. next was what was he going to actually eat for dinner. but yoongi was tired, clueless and without a plan or any idea on what to make. a good solution was just grabbing ingredients he liked and think about it home. he didn't want to stand there for the whole day, you know. so just get everything needed and go home to finally rest. shampoo, shower gel, coffee, juice, meat, and a lot more flying into his cart.

he rubbed his eyes, pushing himself to go pay his groceries. waiting in the line and leaning forwards to his cart, he looked ahead and saw a baby being carried by assuming their mother, and heard a playful shout from behind. he wasn't going to turn around to see the child, this happened a lot so there was absolutely no reason to look back. until the little girl came from behind and slipped right in front of him, starting to cry. fuck. was yoongi the reason she slipped? because yoongi was in the way? whatever it was, he worried that it was his fault and kneeled down to help the younger. "i'm sorry, are you alright? i didn't mean to make you trip." he apologized even though he did nothing.

"it wasn't your fault, sir," the girl cried, "i-i-"

"eun ae, sweetie! are you hurt? where does it hurt?" the mother rushed to the girl, making sure she was alright and helped her up. "did this young man help you?"

"yes, he did. he is very kind."

yoongi looked at the children next to the woman, "i wouldn't just leave a kid crying on the ground and ignore it like they didn't exist." they stepped forward while talking, the mother paying for her purchases. "well, i'm very glad." she flashed a kind smile, walking to pack while yoongi paid for his groceries, nodding to the woman as an answer.

"before we leave, what do we say after getting help, eun ae?"

"thank you, sir! please have a great day!" the little one beamed at him, waving as they left.

yoongi was enjoying himself with a lavender-scented bath, just laying in the water and keeping his eyes in the ceiling. he had a habit of thinking about his past while bathing, usually going back to his childhood or when he was a teen. and he found himself missing those days. those days when he didn't have to worry about anything, when he was a bright and happy child, spending his time with a dear friend. taehyung. he never before actually realized how much he meant to him. of course he thought about contacting taehyung at some point, but he wouldn't have gotten words out of his mouth, he would've been too nervous, thinking taehyung probably had better things to do and was busy nowadays. so he tended to just let that thought disappear and continue like before. but yoongi has had a hard time with socializing and just being out there enjoying life, so he has started to think about it more. taehyung was always that kind of person that wouldn't stand having a boring life, wanting to bring excitement one way or another.

"i can't believe i've come to the point i'm feeling miserable in the middle of my success.."

/ hello! i truly hope you're going to enjoy this fanfiction, and my writing in general. please feel free to share your thoughts!

/ word count: 1065

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