anxious, anxious

41 2 2

Jesus Christ.

hours. hours left before the speech and yoongi was home going over his notes for the nth time. he didn't want to seem absolutely nuts talking to himself with the notes at the school, so he was going to go probably an hour before. he wasn't able to calm himself down, just walking back and forth around his study, not stopping himself after really realizing how anxious he was acting. "i need to get my shit together, and quick.." yoongi thought out loud, reminding that there wasn't a lot of time and he should start getting ready with clothing and grab something to eat.

he opened his closet and looked through his clothes and suits. it took a moment for him to find a proper one, a one which was actually clean and not dusty. yoongi grabbed it and changed at the speed of light, or at least, tried. a frustrated sigh left his nose as he swept his hair back out of his face and went downstairs. "calm down." yoongi told himself and opened his fridge. his eyes looked all over, thinking what to eat. maybe just some leftover kimchi from yesterday will do, just needed to warm it up, and that's it.

it felt so weird. he has never felt this way, his stomach was filled with butterflies fluttering all over, it was like they were going to fly up his throat and be puked out at any moment. yoongi closed his eyes, trying his best to calm his breath. "please applause and welcome, min yoongi!" that opened his eyes and he walked into the room, instantly the children's attention moving onto him and the applause warming him. it felt comfortable to be welcomed, but at the same time an uneasy feeling started to grow inside him. he stepped to the stage, showing a careful smile and put his hands together. "thank you. i feel awesome to be here, and glad to show my work to all of you. many might know me from producing music to famous stars like j-hope, rm and more, so i.. i uh, was surprised to be invited. i will now show you some behind the scenes action, and how it happens." he nodded and started showing his magic.

the speech and the presentation in general was going better than expected. yoongi thought it was going to be an absolute wreck as he doubted himself the whole time, but time flew right past his eyes, soon realizing he'd finished. "thank you, mr. min! we're more than glad to have had you here. now, children, gather up if you want an autograph, alright?" the headmaster spoke up, and lots of happy little faces came up to stand in front of the dumbfounded yoongi. he really didn't think that many kids would be interested in having his messy handwriting on a piece of paper. but he smiled anyways.

yoongi didn't realize, but at the end of the line there stood taehyung, patiently waiting. he held one of the shorter kids in his arms and watched him thank the children and give autographs. that was what made taehyung really smile, because the old yoongi he knew would've never been able to come to a school full of people to talk about something that started out as a hobby, and now is his job. step by step, taehyung got closer to his childhood friend. he was so excited he couldn't stay still, so he let the child down from his arms.

a lot of "thank you, mr. min!", "this is so cool meeting you!" and "wow! i'm going to show this off to mom and dad!" and many more excited exclaims were clear all around the room but they all shut down in taehyung's ears quickly as he finally stood in front of yoongi, right when he passed the autograph to the last kid.

"suga?" he called yoongi by the nickname he gave him when they were in middle school. he got an immediate reaction, yoongi's head snapping towards him, his face in obvious surprise.

"taehyung? w-wait- what-" his words were cut off by a warm hug. it took yoongi a second to hug back, and a smile made it's way onto his lips. they stayed like that for a moment, before yoongi pulled back. "since when did you work here? why haven't i seen you around?"

"i probably live on the other side of town from you. i teach art, suga." he really liked using that name. yoongi never grew tired of it, to be honest.

"wow. i knew you liked to draw and were pretty good, but-" he chuckled, "i never thought you'd become a teacher in an elementary school."

"me neither, but i have a talent in handling kids. and art became something i felt like i could transform into a career. i wanted to combine those two, even if it sounds crazy."

yoongi looked at taehyung in the eyes. "it sounds like you. like fun. you were always all about having fun, no matter what, honestly." he sighed and continued shortly, "taehyung, you taught me that. that it's important to have fun and not overwork yourself. i've been trying to remind myself of it." yoongi saw a familiar box smile.

"i'm more than glad, suga," taehyung took the other's hand in his, "i've really missed you."

both exchanged their new numbers and addresses. taehyung also invited yoongi for dinner tomorrow, saying that it won't be just takeout like it always was. yoongi hesitated, requesting he'd come over instead. but taehyung insisted to the point where he couldn't say no anymore. but he told himself it was probably best for him to leave his house for once, figuring out the other probably goes out way more.

"alright, i'll definitely come. is around 5 okay?"

"more than okay. i hope tomorrow comes fast! i really can't wait, suga."

and with that they said their goodbyes, and yoongi was left relieved. not to be freed from taehyung, but from all that speech anxiety. he'd have a piece of peace now. at least until tomorrow, he wasn't sure was it going to turn out okay or absolutely horrible.

/ hey. finally got the chapter done, i feel awful not continuing on it daily. but a few notes!

the reason why j-hope and rm are mentioned as individually was because since yoongi and taehyung aren't in bts, none of the others are either. jimin, jungkook and jin are probably solo artists or have a different job. for the same reason suga is just a childhood nickname given to yoongi by tae.

word count; 1024

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