some things don't change

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it was panic all over. you'd think that taehyung would do better at handling things in his own kitchen, but apparently not. he burnt the fish, and forgot to do uhm.. everything else. he told yoongi the food wouldn't be takeout, but he had no other option.

"wait, is pizza considered takeout? it's delivery food but uhhhh-" he stood there, thinking before turning to his tiny dog, "yeontan, a little help? blink once for no, twice for yes." taehyung said as he sat down in front of yeontan and watched closely. yeontan then blinked once. "i was right! thank you, sir kim yeontannie." taehyung beamed and took his phone, dialing the closest pizza place there was. he heard a hello and the question for his order, "hi, i'd like a hawaiian pizza and a.." he stopped, completely blank. what was yoongi's favorite pizza for christ's sake? he never really asked or they never talked about it.. "hello? can i get the rest of your order please?" .. meat! that was it! yoongi always had a passionate love for meat, so taehyung figured if he got some of that sort it'd be okay. "the second one would be meat lovers pizza, please."

"alright, mind telling me your address?" well, no going back.

yes, truly no going back. yoongi was almost there, and no sign of the pizza delivery guy. was he lost? this would be embarrassing. taehyung's brain went all 'asdfghjkl' and the regret kind of bubbled up. "there must be something small i could still do, just to make up for breaking my promise and this. i never break my promises.." he mumbled, speeding himself to the fridge and searching the shelves. damn, nothing. he moved to look into his cabinets, his eyes then setting onto a packet of chocolate mousse. "i hope he doesn't mind sweet."

taehyung started humming and working on the mousse, and thankfully it didn't take that long to make. just got it into the fridge to cool as the doorbell rang.

"please be the pizza guy.. please be the pizza guy.. please be the pizza guy.." he went to open the door. oh no.

"how are you, taehyung? i hope you don't mind me being a bit early." he did mind. the pizza still wasn't here! taehyung didn't know what to say.

"are you okay?"

"ah, yes, sorry. come on inside." he stepped out of yoongi's way and closed the door after him. "i need to use the bathroom, go ahead and look around!" taehyung suggested and got a nod, then locking himself into the bathroom. he had no intention of actually using the toilet, he just pulled out his phone, sat to the corner and called the pizza delivery place to ask what was taking so long. he heard a hello from the other side.

"hello, um, my pizza's supposed to be on it's way right now but it's been more than 15 minutes, are they lost? i'm in a hurry." in a hurry that needed to be fixed immediately.

"oh yes, i'll connect you to the guy who's delivering them to you." and them the voice changed, "you told me the address, but i can't find it! i've been circling this area for more than 10 minutes!"

"you need to look harder. where are you right now?" after an answer, he continued, "take a turn to the left, and go straight forward until you see the park with lots of kids' stuff. at that point turn to the right and my house is the bright green and white one. you can't miss it." he said, truly hoping it wouldn't take long for him to get there. he sat up onto his knees and looked outside the window to see rain and the cloudy sky. "please be here so-" he was cut off by none other than yoongi.

"cmon, how long are you going to take in the bathroom? i didn't come here to just wait all day."

"it's really bad, okay? my stomach's hurting, it's real messy and-"

"don't go into details, taehyung! if you aren't coming out i'm going to check on the food myself." that was bad. he had nothing sorted as dinner in his fridge nor on his counters, he had to come up with something quickly.

"don't! i need you to be my emotional support!" he blurted out, but it didn't matter, because it seemed to work. "fine. but not for a really long time then." taehyung sighed in relief.

taehyung kept himself in the bathroom for a few minutes, occasionally letting out comically fake grunts as he faked still struggling with his stomach pain. but he stood next to the window, finally seeing the pizza car drive over. he opened the window quietly and waved his hand to signal that he'd bring it there. taehyung saw the guy run over, and he smiled as brightly as ever. "thank you so much. it's a really important evening, i- here's the money." he gave it in exchange for the boxes of pizza. there wasn't a lot of time to keep wasting, so he closes the window and is about to open the door. he stopped, though, realizing he can't just suddenly walk out with pizza when he was complaining about his stomach ache. taehyung grabbed a nearby towel and wrapped it around him, hiding the boxes underneath. now he opened the door.

"haha, it got a little chilly in there. don't worry, i'll take dinner out of the oven now! go ahead and sit down while i'm at it." he said to yoongi and rushed to the kitchen.

"what did you make?"

"it's surprise! i'm not going to ruin it for you." taehyung answered with his usual, bright voice and put both pizzas on their own plates. along with the mousse in small bowls next to them. "it's my special recipe!" he joked and brought them to the table. yoongi was clearly disappointed, but amused. "this is so you."

taehyung simply smiled and sat down with the other. "i'm sorry if you don't like the pizza, you've never told me what you liked." yoongi hummed, "it doesn't matter. as long as there's not pineapple on it." that striked a nerve.

"what? pineapple belongs on pizza! it's enlightening!" taehyung exclaimed strongly, and the duel started.

"are you nuts, taehyung? pineapple is disgusting no matter what it's on." yoongi begun raising his voice to try to show he's right. but the truth was neither was really right, since it's just an argument on opinions. they went on and on until taehyung gave up and continued eating his meal. yoongi was spicy and salty, like a fighter. he could never admit he was wrong in a debate, no matter the subject. it might show as childishness to some people, but that was his personality. the only time he'd admit it if it was shown to him with proof. otherwise, no. so as a child, taehyung naturally grew to deal with that and still argue with him for fun. 

a loud crash shook them. both looked around, just to realize it came from outside. yoongi walked to the window and noticed it was raining like no tomorrow and there was lightning. "it seems like i can't leave, at least for now." a sigh left his lips, turning around to look at taehyung.

"you know what that means," the other beamed, "sleepover!"

/ >:) sleepover

word count: 1236

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