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thank you for the support, taehyung.

the two 17-year-old boys laid down on the grass, under the gorgeous dark sky full of stars.

yoongi's parents were on vacation for a week, leaving the house to himself. the first thing the dark haired male did was call his best friend, taehyung, and told him to come over for a sleepover. "i'll stay for the whole week!" was what the other said on the phone, and took only an hour to pack and come to yoongi's place.

"is that aries or taurus, yoongi?" taehyung asked, pointing up to the sky. he was a real astrology nerd, always saying how other people's signs wouldn't be compatible because of this and that, and then explaining how surprised he was that the two became friends, since pisces and capricorn are described as opposites. taehyung believed in fate. yoongi, not so much.

"i can't even see where you're pointing at." he said bluntly, moving closer to him. "now which one did you mean?"

"that one! next to the three smaller stars!"

"i think that's aquarius, dumbass." yoongi huffed and gazed to a different part of the sky. "i don't really get why you like the star signs so much, they don't mean anything. just enjoy the view, will you?" he heard a sigh, but taehyung shut his mouth, even if it was just for a moment.

"i like astrology because it can go really deep, but still be accurate. it's like the stars know who we are without really.. well.. knowing us." taehyung opened his mouth again and turned his gaze to the male next to him. 

"you're a nerd." yoongi simply commented without looking his direction, he knew taehyung had that goofy smile on his face from just knowing that yoongi listened to his rambling.

it was a calm moment. something yoongi always liked sharing with his best friend. his only friend.

"i can't stay. i.. have to feed my cat." no, he didn't. yoongi didn't have a cat, just was afraid to stay for a sleepover. it felt awkward reuniting with a sleepover after so many years.

"you were never the type to get a pet, suga. and it's pouring rain like straight out of a bucket, you can't leave without getting soaked! you're staying!" he insisted, but he was also right. it was thundering and raining outside, it would've been dangerous. yoongi sighed and gave a nod to taehyung, "you won me over. i'll stay until the rain calms down." he took taehyung's excited smile as an approving answer.

"i'll get us popcorn and something to drink. you can scroll through my netflix and see if there's anything interesting we could watch." taehyung commented before disappearing to the kitchen and leaving yoongi in peace, just for a moment.

yoongi licked his dry lips and sat down on taehyung's white leather couch, the tv was already on, probably for yeontan, so he took the remote control in his right hand. it didn't take much figuring out to learn what he had to press to get to the menu. he moved on to netflix and scrolled through, eyeing what was on his friend's feed and on his recommended list. he never knew taehyung was this into murder and crime shows, it was really unexpected comparing them to his usual, childish-like personality. yoongi thought he would watch something ridiculous like anime or shows that were directed towards children. guess he really had changed. it may have been something small, but that small tick alarmed yoongi. he was afraid the friend he knew all those years ago had changed so much that he wouldn't know him at all anymore.

thankfully those thoughts were soon cut off by the familiar face entering the room, with his small guardian pet following him. "is there anything that got your attention?" taehyung asked as he sat next to the dark haired male and set the bowl of popcorn between the two of them. he then leaned forward a little, just to pick yeontan up onto the couch next to him.

yoongi really wanted to bring the crime shows up, how he was surprised, but for now stayed with what he wanted to watch. "do you watch sherlock?" he suddenly asked, it was probably the only crime show he watched but really enjoyed it, and if taehyung already had gotten his hands on it he thought it'd be something he'd like.

"sherlock? hell yes!" the taller male beamed as he picked up the drinks he brought from the table and handed the other one to yoongi. a strawberry juice bottle, how predictable. "what episode are you on? what season?" he continued with two questions right after each other.

"just on the third episode on season one, i didn't get the episode finished. work has taken most of my time for the last couple weeks so i haven't really focused on fun, just my basic needs." the older one explained bluntly, he noticed it himself that his tone seemed to be very down, and taehyung seemed too, as he brought a hand to rest on his shoulder. it felt kind of comforting. just to have met that childhood friend again, who you used to spend literally most of your time with was back in your life. but the fact that his work overpowered his schedule was almost depressing. he definitely wanted to be around taehyung again, absolutely. but he didn't know how he'd fit that in.

"that's fine, don't think about work and keep your focus on us and the show!" the younger one said with a friendly box smile decorating his features, he clearly didn't want the other to ruin his night by thinking about unnecessary worries, so he stretched out his arm to go around his shoulder and put sherlock on.

yoongi was a bit surprised by the move, but in a way it warmed his heart. he threw his head back just a bit and took a sip of the strawberry juice he had in his hand. he decided to not comment on it more and kept his eyes on the television screen.

being close to taehyung after all these long years, even just sitting next to each other knowing that he hadn't disappeared from his life, it was.. unbelievable, almost. but yet there they were, at taehyung's place watching netflix.

thank you for appearing again.

/ hello again! sorry for taking so long with writing this one. not sure but i might put it on hold as i'm planning to start a text au with another ship i love :) <3

word count; 1066

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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