so unsure

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a million thoughts.
no, no, what? should i? why is this happening?
damn it.
i'm not ready. i'm going to be humiliated.
keep calm.
i can't!

work.. work.. and work. yoongi was absolutely tense again, forcing himself to finish a whole week's work in one day so he could have more free time to actually relax, sleep and just be without a constant thought in the back of his brain reminding that he still had a lot to do. his head ached like a volcanic eruption, not giving him any break between. hurting fingers dancing on the mouse and keyboard, desperately trying to quickly get something done. he was so exhausted, he felt like just falling asleep right away onto his desk. but yoongi swore himself he'd allow himself rest when he got at least one thing finished. just one.

later, yoongi found himself waking up from his armchair to his phone ringing. he let out a frustrated, tired grunt as he reached to grab the phone, answering the call. "min yoongi, is it?"

why was i called at this time of the day? yoongi thought, but replied, "yes, this is min yoongi. hello."

"oh, hello! this is jae hwa, the headmaster! i was calling about a certain thought, we were thinking if you could come by the school some day to uhm.. how do i say it..? perhaps to give a speech about your popular music! the kids these days listen to a lot of songs which you have produced, so they would probably be delighted to hear what happens behind the scenes. and how, of course."

yoongi was absolutely dumbfounded at what he heard, "i.. uhm.." he couldn't get anything out of his mouth for a moment, this question came so quickly he wasn't sure what he expected. but he felt like he just didn't have the option to say no. "of course, i'd.. love to. when is okay? um, my whole schedule is free next week aside from monday."

he heard the happiness of her voice from the other side of the call, "wonderful! would friday be okay? i could free the last two hours for your speech and perhaps autographs if the kids are interested. it would be from 12 to 2 pm. does that sound alright?"

"ah, yes... it is perfectly fine. thank you for the invitation, see you then." and with her goodbyes, he ended the call. he sat there for a moment, just thinking what just happened. "a speech at the school.." yoongi repeated with a million thoughts going through his head. what if he messed up? a sigh escaped his lips.

"taehyung, why didn't you bring your jacket with you?"

"i didn't know it was going to be this cold... it's spring. but the snow hasn't melted yet. it was an okay warmth around noon."

"and it's midnight now, tae. of course it's more cold. here, take my jacket, alright?" the dark haired, young boy took off and handed his jacket to the other. "now, we didn't come here to stand around. i brought the skates. i hope these aren't too small for your feet."

taehyung put on yoongi's jacket and sat down on the bench next to the ice, taking off his shoes. "our feet don't have that much of a difference. i'm more concerned about getting on the ice.. please hold my hand and don't let me go when we get on." taehyung said worriedly, looking down at yoongi, who was tying the laces. "are the laces tight enough?  does your foot feel comfortable?" yoongi asked in between, and the other answered with a nod as yoongi started to put on the other skate. "and of course i won't let go. let's take it easy and have fun, like you always have said. having fun is the most important thing, right?"

"right."  hearing that made him cheer up a little, yoongi used the same words he always said when yoongi was feeling unsure about something.

"i'm going to put my own skates on, you can crawl onto the ice, or something. i won't take longer than a minute." the dark haired said, sitting onto the bench, while taehyung, too afraid to walk to the ice, crawled on his hands and knees. he sat down onto his butt, and shakily stood up. "this is so weird, yoongi. i haven't been on ice for years, haha. i feel so scared i'm going to fall." he whined, but with a goofy smile on his lips. after a short moment yoongi came to the ice, sliding next to him. "it's going to be alright, okay? even if you fall, you won't die, so.. don't be afraid." he didn't say anything else, just taking taehyung's hand to his. he felt a squeeze.

"thank you, yoongi. let's skate." they made eye-contact, and yoongi met that warm smile again. he nodded and skated slowly forward, not letting go of the other's hand. "this feels much safer with you holding my hand."

yoongi yawned, standing in front of the printer, waiting for his notes to come out. no, he wasn't going to write by hand. he thought that if he had to stop in the middle of the speech to make sense out of his handwriting it'll just embarrass him even more than before. so he chose the other option, to print them. he ran his fingers through his hair for the moment of doing nothing but waiting. yoongi started to think about the speech once again. there will be hundreds of eyes staring at him while he talks, hundreds of voices whispering to each other and hundreds of unknown thoughts going through small heads. but what thankfully got him away from overthinking was his printer beeping. yoongi sighed and took his notes, reading them quickly to make sure they were acceptable.

taehyung slid naturally along with yoongi by his side. "are you sure? i- i'm not that positive i'll stay up on my own, my butt hurts from falling so many times." he said with a nervous tone, still keeping a tight hold on yoongi's hand. "i know you can do it. you just have to believe in yourself, don't depend on me, tae." yoongi exclaimed strongly, removing the other's hand from his.

yoongi was right- and taehyung wasn't sure why he had kept a hold of him when he knew he just had to be independent. so he started with just a gentle swift, then a couple more. he stayed quiet, and soon he was skating around like a little child again, that box smile decorating his features. "i cant believe this! thank you, min yoongi!" yoongi heard giggles, then a thump, and afterwards a sensitive cry for help. he laughed and skated over.

"this will be fine. i'll just have to believe in myself, right?"

/ hello, thank you so much for enjoying this so far! my heart fluttered from the few comments <3

also, the past taehyung and yoongi featured in this chapter were around the age of 18 if you're wondering!

word count; 1137

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