State Facts

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"Rue, is everything ok?" Mrs.Irving said as Rue sat on her bed in Mrs.Irving's home.

"I'm so through with my family, I bought me a apartment, I just have to put some furniture in it so I'm just staying here for a couple of days,"Rue said putting her face in her hands and let out a breath."They can finally be the picture perfect family they were meant to be."

"Rue, they hurt you bad didn't they?"Mrs.Irving said rubbing Rue's back.

"They don't give a crap Mrs.Irving, they are fake people the only reason they talk to me is because we had new neighbors. Which is Vince Rizzo...I just couldn't be in a place where I don't belong. So I packed my stuff and found every family picture with me in it cut my body out and burned them so now they have the perfect picture. I have a new start."

"Have you eaten anything?"

"No ma'am I left at dinner, the bad thing about it my mother treated Vince's little sister more like a daughter she ever did me. Even offered to take her shopping."

"Let's get your mind off it, I don't want you to have gray hairs from stressing about it."Mrs.Irving gave her a hug.

"Thank you for all you have done Mrs.Irving. Thank you for caring when no one does."

"Awe it's a pleasure now why don't you sit back relax and watch some t.v." Rue sat back and turned on the T.V and started watching Catfish. It was about a scam artist name Kidd Cole. She grew angry watching it how you going to worry about a phone when you owe people money? She didn't know so she turned it to Bad Girls Club. She was entertained. But her favorite bad girl of all time was Tanisha, but she enjoyed watching the other girls.

"Rue, I cooked you some dirty rice with sausage." Mrs.Irving gave her the bowl.

"Thank you,"Rue said she looked down. "You know me to well."A tear rolled down Rue's cheek.

"Awe, your the only student that let me in, and respect me. Your special Rue."Mrs.Irving said.

"I have some papers for you to sign,"Rue pulled out the printed papers."I need you to co-sign for my apartment. I pay for everything I just need your signature. I want to go furniture shopping this weekend and get everything that I need."

"Find with me, is there anything else dear?" Mrs.Irving asked looking at Rue with worried eyes.

"Fine, I'm fine I should go to sleep I got school in the morning."Rue said. She turned over and went to sleep.


The next day at school she put in her Kanye West Graduation CD she listened to Can't Tell Me Nothing. It blasted through her speakers.

'La La Lala Wait till I get my money right,

La La LaLa you know you can tell me nothing right?' She had a serious face. She was free, she felt good. She felt good she was on her own. She pulled into the school parking the student standing outside turned their heads. And apart of those students were Devin, Darren, and Vince the three kings.

Turned of her car grabbed her back pack and walked in to school with a little more pep in her step. Why was everyone still looking at her? She had no gossip over her. No one cared about her so why were they looking now? Rue didn't know and really could care less. She just wanted them to stop looking at her crazy.

Rue made it through the double doors...almost. She got stopped by both of her brothers and of course Vince.

"Do I know you?"Rue asked and she push them out the way.

"Don't play dumb Rue, you want to tell me about the act you pulled last night?"Darren asked.

"I don't recall, maybe you should leave your personal business at home."Rue said with a smirk.

"Stop playing Rue!"Devin yelled at her.

"Is that a bird? Is that a plane? No, it's my face melting. What you trying to do turn me into half face? Rue walked away. She never wanted to have contact with them again. She went to her algebra classroom. Mr.Avery was shaking everyone hands but took extra long with Rue.

"How you doing today Rue?"Mr.Avery asked.

"Mr.Avery if you shake my hand any longer then other people will be late for class." Rue pushed him gently out the way and walked to her seat. People still looked at her and whisper about her every few minutes.

Rue just got her books out and waited for class to start. She would write a song lyric every now and then. Around her desk was four empty ones and someone sat in one of them. She didn't look up she felt their presence, it was like a disturbince in the force.

She looked up to meet with blue eyes that belonged to Vince. He was sitting in front of her.

"You want to tell me why you all in my space?"Rue said annoyed. "Why aren't you sitting in the seat you sat in yesterday? You know the one that's 20 feet away from me?"

"Why are you so disrespectful? You should respect me, and I will make your life much easier and I won't have to make it like hell."Vince said.

"Look here, pressy boy don't come to me and bitch about getting respect from me. FYI it's already hell but since I'm about to graduate and leave it makes me happy. Why do you even care?"

"Because respect is the most important thing for me."

"I'm use to having no respect, and being ignored. Vince I don't care how bad you think your are or how much respect you need to feel like a man. You want respect don't demand it you earn it now can you get up out my face?"

"Listen here black bitch,-"

"Oh, black bitch that's not insulting at all," Rue said sarcastically. She lean back in her chair and crossed her leg and crossed her arms."Not about the fact that I'm black but I'm a bitch."

"Listen, I tried to give you an easy way in high school but you lost that chance. You have made your worst enemy."

"Bring it on tan man,"Rue said giving him the hand single to come closer."Your a spoiled, rich, white boy who is use to getting his way."

"Stop talking shit."

"I don't talk shit I state facts."

"Well here is a fact, you are a nobody you won't make it. Why don't you execute yourself."

"Well that's not the first time someone has told me to kill myself. You got anything else?"Rue feelings were completely gone. If a war is what he wanted then he got it. Rue wouldn't have to lift a finger in battle. She didn't have to do a damn thing. She knew what buttons to push and she did have to push them to find out. She was ready.

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