Unreasonable Teachers

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Rue sat in her apartment and watch the rain fall, looking at it drip by drip. Outside may have been dark and cloudy but Rue wasn't afraid of it. Rue suddenly open the balcony door stepping out on it. The wind blew her hair back rain fell on her face. Something came over her she got on her knees.

"What do they want from me? What do you want from me god? Please lead me in the right direction."Rue got up but her legs felt like jelly but she was still able to stand. Rue watch the storm as it covered the white lit moon and the bright stars. She watch the fat ran drops fall. Rue felt free at that moment feeling everything around her just made her feel open. Suddenly the rain stop and the thundering stop. The clouds moved at up under the clouds wasn't the moon it was the sun and a rainbow formed in front of her eyes . What time was it? Rue looked at her clock 4:30 am in the morning. Rue went in and changed out of her wet clothes and changed into a another pair of night clothes. She laid it the bed and her mind was going a million amount of words.


'Good-morning, Good-morning.'

Good-morning by Kanye blasted through her alarm speakers. She woke up and stretched. Rue went to go brush her teeth and fixed her hair. After that she cooked her some breakfast and got dressed. She locked her apartment up and waited for the elevator peacefully, but was ruined by Mr.Avery. 'I wanted a little bit more time to not think about school but had Mr.Avery walk his slick ass near the same elevator. ' Rue let out a breath.

"Good-morning Rue, did you do your homework?"

"That is not something I want to discuss at 7:00 in the freaking morning Mr.Avery."Rue crossed her arms and tapped her foot checking her watch.

"Well might as well talk about since were on our way to school."

"Mr.Avery your already my neighbor and my teacher I do not and I repeat DO NOT feel like talking to anyone this morning."

"That's not how you talk to your teacher." Mr.Avery putting his hand over his heart acting like he is hurt. And made it to the bottom floor.

"You have no power here."Rue walked off the elevator. Rue made it to her car but mentally groaned when she saw Mr.Avery's car parked next to hers.

"Look I was trying to be your friend back there."

"You were not you were being a teacher that gives me a headache."Rue got in her car and drove off leaving Mr.Avery in the dust.

When Rue got to class passed Mr.Avery at the door and sat in her seat. Vince came to talk to her.

"Rue how are you today?"

"What do you want Vince? If your here to talk shit save it."Rue looked at Vince with no interest not want to be bothered by anyone. She just wanted to lay in bed with her queen size mattress. But she had to get her work done.

"Look just trying to be nice for once." Vince smiled that billion dollar smile. Rue squinted her eyes at him she didn't trust him.

"What are you up too Rizzo?"

"Wow, well the sky is up but I'm not."

"Do you have to be sarcastic?"

"Do have to be grumpy in the mornings?"

"What are you talking about I'm perfectly fine this morning. I'm enjoying the solitude."

"You know you can't be alone forever."

"Yea I can I'm use to it." Rue pointed to his seat.

"I suggest you go to your seat before Mr.Ruin my mornings count you tardy."

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