Graduation In Life

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Day of Graduation....

"Hey, I'll be out by tomorrow," Rue told her landlord on the phone. "No, reason I just think it's about time for me to move on." Rue had some of her things in boxes. Her T.V packed up and most of her clothes, her couch sold off, and her studio things packed. All she had hanging was the dark blue ball dress she had laid out for The Rizzo ball and her graduation gown.

Rue smiled to herself thinking this is where her life begun right there in that very moment with her standing in her empty living room. She started taking the boxes and packed it her car. She had put on some clothes she could wear after graduation. She grabbed her gown and her cap then made her way to her graduation.

When Rue got to her school auditorium all she could do was stare at the stage she would walk across. She went and checked in and put her gown on. She made sure there were no spots or anything on it and made her place in line.

"What are you doing afterwards Rue?" Devin turned around to ask her. Darren also turned to see what she was going to say.

"Out,"Rue told them. "What about you?"

"Out to eat with the family that came to see us graduate."

"Well it's good they came to see you two." Rue told them she hugged both of them. "Be good."

"Rue just please come to one family function it would be nice to have you there."

"I'm good," Rue let out a breath. "I'm just going out for a long drive."

"Well I guess we can't drag you there," Darren scratched his head. "Damn, why did we have to fuck it up so much."

"You two are just realizing that?" Rue raised an eye brow. "Look what's done is done you came from arrogant parents, who you followed in their foot steps. I chose not to follow I chose to find my own destiny. Think of this graduation as a graduation in life. This is where life starts, where the road begins. Just always remember your thoughts become your words, your words becomes your action, your action becomes, your habits, and your habits become your character, and your character becomes your destiny.

"Rue where is this all coming from?"

"The heart." Rue stated and smile. It was the first time they saw her smile. Rue didn't have that grudge against her family anymore it was more like love. She love them for making what she was today and that was a real ass young lady.

"Ladies and Gentlemen let the the program began." the announcer stated.

"I present you the graduating class of 2014!" Everyone in the build yelled. The young adults threw up their caps just to catch them and then hugged their friends. Rue left from the crowd and went to her car before anyone saw her.

She made it to her car and stared at herself in the reflection. She smiled and got into her car. Traffic started to build up quick she got out her parking space and tried to zoom out of there as quick as she could but she made it In front of the building she saw her family was walking out. Everyone was smiling and laughing she couldn't hear what they were saying. She was glad her windows were tented. She glad they looked happy she pulled off and went to her soon to be former work place.

"Hey my beautiful god daughter," Bennet hugged her. He had left as soon as she walk on and off the stage. "You looked beautiful across that stage."

"Thank you Uncle Bennet I love you for coming." Rue said and smiled.

"You mind if we shoot our last round together?" Rue told him he was startled by her words. Where was she going?

"Rue what are talking about last round?"

"I'm leavening tomorrow Uncle Bennett," Rue told him. "After the Rizzo Ball I'm leaving and starting a new chapter off my life."

"But Rue you don't have to go bambino-" Bennett started but Rue kissed him on his forehead.

"I have to in order to grow," Rue told him and smiled. "Thank you for being a father to me. I love you so much it's hard for me to leave. You take care of Mrs.Irving or I will come back and shoot you. Now let's go shoot these rounds."

Rue and Bennet went into the back and shot. He even introduced machine guns to her she enjoyed it. She was going to miss the beautiful view of the moon from the back off the shop so she took a picture of it. They took pictures together and talked until they heard someone yelling in the store.

"Bennet! You here my man come see your god son." Tommy yelled. Rue and Bennet walked from the back. Rue took off her glasses and earplugs and placed them in the storage room.

"Vince I'm glad your not stupid."Bennet shook his hand. "Congrats Son, Your officially a man."

"Yea, he is right,"Rue had her keys in her hand and her cap in the other. "Congrats Rizzo." She held out her hand to shake it but he grabbed her and pulled her close. "Awe can't we save this for tomorrow night Vince? You know at the ball?"

"I just want to give you a sneak peak." Vince kissed her passionately.

"Eww can you stop kissing my big sister?" Jessie tugged on his shirt. Rue pulled away to hug Jessie. "Congratulations Rue!"

"Thank you Jessie." Rue told her. Rue turned back to Bennet. "Well I will see you Uncle it's been a great run today."

"Wait, Here is your pay check." Bennet handed Rue the check. Rue dropped her mouth we she saw the 3000 dollar check. "But uncle-"

"It's a present from me now go live." Bennet told her. Rue hugged him tightly she whispered to him that she was going to miss him. "I'll miss you too bambino now go before I get too attached." Rue let go and walked out the store.

"What was that about?" Vince asked.

"She asked me not to tell you,"Bennet told him. He remember her words correctly it echoed in his head. "Now tell me what your planing to do with your life." Bennet changed the subject.

Vince moved on and talked about what he wanted to do but all he could think about is Rue. What was she planning? What was up her sleeve? He didn't know but he could wait to find out.

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