Rue's Scream

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It's been 3 weeks since Rue left home. She successfully moved in her apartment but she realized that her teacher Mr.Avery was her neighbor like right next door. He didn't know it but she did because she avoided him every morning. She even notice the girls he brought home he was drunk and so where the girls. At the end of the night she wonder how he pulled himself up every morning. Rue stayed in a 3 roomed apartment it had 1 bathroom a nice kitchen a place for her to put a table. She had a nice black leather couch a 60 inch T.V. She made sure she went grocery shopping every week and she got extra hours her job a Caldwell's Shooting Rage and Gun store. Her job was to pull the disk and watch people shoot or she taught them how to shoot. She got paid really good And for protection she bought a assault rifle. You could say she was a independent woman.

Vince mange to become Student Body President, QB of the football team, and pushed his way on the basketball team all while he was at school. He has been to parties continually and back to his old ways. He worked hard in every class except Choir. He hated choir but he was determined to get Rue to bow. But it was like Rue was thinking ahead. He put pranks in her locker but she would move to the side and everything that was supposed to land on her landed on the floor. She could spot him from a distance she picked up everything and gave it to him and all she would say was.

"Good One." or "Hahaha you mad or nah?" Rue had him looking over his shoulder and she wasn't planning to do anything no matter how much shade he threw her way. But he had something in store for her.

Rue was sitting in her physical science class when they announced that it would be a student assembly. She sighed what could Vince possibly want? So after science class she slowly made her way to the gym. She isolated her self in a secluded corner of the stands while everybody else stand with friends and groups. She waited for the meeting to be over as soon as she step in the gym. She was listening to her music on her phone and waited patiently for Vince to come out.

Vince back stage was telling the basketball team when to do what he asked. Once Vince stepped out on the podium everyone gave their attention except Rue. The only reason she came was that the teachers would have wrote her up if she didn't come.

"Welcome my fellow classmates,"Vince started off. He search for Rue in the audience but couldn't find her until he saw a shadow in a corner."I'm going to ask you to put your cellphones away at this time." Everyone put their cellphones their pocket but Rue put hers in her backpack. She just did her homework instead. She thought 'If I can't listen to music might as well do my homework so I won't have to worry about it.' Vince watched her as she pulled out her binder and started to do work.

"Well student I called us here today because I wanted to talked to you about a serious subject,"Vince gave a million dollar smirk that made girls fall out. "Respect is what I want to talk about."

"My god do I really have to listen to him?"Rue mumbled to herself.

"Now everyone know LèRue Morgan mostly known as Rue?"Rue looked up and everyone looked around for her then they shined the light on her. She looked down the whole time. 'Is he calling me out?'

"Why don't you come down Rue?"Vince gestured her to come down. She put everything in her backpack and put on he back and walked slowly down.She had her teal snap hat backwards, a black Vans with teal lining, Khaki shorts, and a plain black polo it was her daily look. She stood by the podium uninterested about what Vince was about to do or say.

"Now Rue here, doesn't understand that word."Vince put a hand on her shoulder she quickly sled it off. She did not want to have his hands on her."So we are going to teach her a lesson. Go!"

Suddenly water poured on Rue's back it was like she was drowning because it kept going. She felt something hard hitting her in her face and stomach. Vince was expecting a scream but he didn't hear a scream. Rue scream was silent she didn't let a scream come out her mouth. He gave them the signal to stop. She stood there wet and when she rubbed her lip blood appear on her fingers and blood running from her nose to. She heard the crowd roar in laughter but she heard Mrs.Irving calling her name. Rue raised her head up blood was all over face and her fist clench. Her blood dripped on the floor.

"Oh Rue,"Mrs.Irving pulled her in to a hugged and brought Rue to her knees along with her. Rue hugged her back needing some one to hug she didn't cry she just hugged.


"Mr.Rizzo your sons behavior to LèRue was despicable and will not be tolerated."Rue and Vince's Parents and Mrs.Irving stood in the principle's office. Rue sat and one chair in silence she held her head on one elbow. Vince sat in the other chair looking at how much blood was on the towel she had on the towels, the bruises on her arms started to show up, her lip was busted and her nose bleeding.

"I know I have never seen him act like this,"Tommy looked down at his son in disappointment. Rue's parents didn't say a thing they went into a trance when they saw Rue. Rue was calm too calm. She wanted to knock Vince the fuck out but she didn't she kept her control. "I don't know what has gotten into him."

"Well he is suspended for a week. LèRue you take 3 days off get your medical attention that you need."

"Thank you for calling us Mrs. Anderson." Mrs.Irving grabbed Rue's hand and Rue put her hand over hers. Rue got up and hugged her. Her parents were in shock seeing their daughter hugging another person.

"Call me Rue."Mrs.Irving said.

"I will."Rue said back low. When all of them stepped out the building.Vince put a hand on her shoulder. She jerked away from him. Vince was going to get her a sorry excuse of an apology she just knew it.

"Don't you ever put you hands on me,"Rue said turning her back."I understand you hate me but to get me to bow to had to get blood from me...thats low it didn't work if that's what your expecting your far from gaining respect from me Vince. I tried to play it cool I didn't even bother you. But you...just stay away from me you maniac."Rue got in her car and drove off.

Tommy hit Vince upside the head.

"What the hell is wrong with you Vince!?"Vince rubbed the back of his head. The whole way home Vince listen to his father yell at him. But he was in his own deep thought.'She didn't cry...she didn't show any could she do that?' Vince wondered. He wondered about it for the rest of the day. He didn't know what to do with Rue but now Rue hated him and he would have to deal with it.

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