Not Talking About It

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"Don't have your shoulders so high that it looks like you have no neck relax." Rue instructed a costumer at work. She was teaching her how to shoot since the costumer's father wanted her to know.

"I got this."The girl said.

"You can do it."said Rue giving her confidence. The girl shot the gun with confidence hitting the disk with accuracy.

"That is what I'm talking about!"Rue gave her a hand clap."Now that is your lesson for this week. Next week we will see how you work on a still target."

"So how is she doing."The girl's father said after they came in side.

"Well she is progressing just need to be more relaxed." Rue put a hand on her shoulder.

"Well thank you Mrs.Rue." The man gave her the money.

"No problem sir." Rue put it in the cash register. Bennett came back to the register after his break. Rue went back to her range station but also took in the beauty of the outdoors. Watching the cloud float by. She let her hair down so it blew back she enjoyed the solitude. But something had changed in the air to her the tension felt high but why was it feeling like that. She didn't know so she shot some targets.

Bennett watched as Vince and two other boys get out of the car. They walked inside and payed for a lesson.

"Did you fix it?"Bennett asked before he took the money.

"Well..." Vince held out.

"Well what?"

"I called her a cagna." Vince winced at the sudden pain at the back of his head.

"What is wrong with you!?"Bennett practically yelled.

"Sorry Uncle Caldwell but to me she was acting like one I'll tell you all about it later."

"Your just going to have to go with me on some trips and I have to teach you about women."

"No thanks, but I do appreciate the offer. I'm trying to talk to her but I want to learn how to shoot." Vince gave him the money and so did the other two boys with him.

"Who are to the two guys with you?"

"This is Devin and Darren Morgan."

"Rue's twin brothers." Bennett looked at the two boys and could tell they were cocky.

"Let me get you Tank. Tank!"

"Actually Uncle I want Rue to teach us."

"Boy if you go by Rue right now you will get shot by Rue."

"Uncle Caldwell don't worry about it."

"Ok don't be surprised when she shoots you in the bum then you won't be able to sit." Vince and the twins and Uncle Caldwell walked back to the range. Rue was shooting disk the wind was blowing so it made it more challenging Rue like it.

"Rue,"Bennett called to her making her turn she didn't want to be in the same area with Vince and her brothers."I want you to teach them how to shoot they have paid good money so I they wanted the best."

"Pull!"Rue told Tank. He pulled and she shot the disk without looking at it she had to let her anger out on something.

"Woah."Devin said under his breath.

"Sure whatever,"Rue said calmly."Tank get 3 9 millimeters bring 12 clips." Tank ran to go get them.

"Rue are you ok with this?"Uncle Caldwell knew Rue had levels of angry. The first angry is when she says what is on her mind with sharp words, second is when she goes on a violent rampage, and last his when she holds her words and doesn't get violent she stays quiet unless she has to. To people her stares are like bullets.

"Uncle Caldwell."Was all she said but the look she gave him was 'Let them slip up one time and it's over.' look. He left them with her. Rue sighed and scratch her head and turn her back to them and put her hands on her hips and took in the nature around her it calmed her. She forgot where she was but then was.

"Rue."Darren called out to her.

"What?"Rue said with venom she was in attack mode she detested being around her brothers especially Vince.

"Look we just came to talk." Devin pointed out.

"Tank! where you at bruh?!"

"Rue can't you just talk to us please?!" Vince tried to talk to her. She didn't say anything she just waited for Tank to bring the guns. He brought them and placed them gently in Rue's hands along with the clips.

"What is there to talk about Vince? You called me a bitch in italian for no reason if that's how you feel that's how you feel I can't do nothing about it."Rue loaded her gun and cocked it back."Now grab a gun so we can get started."

"I didn't mean that."

"Vince you said it you mean it every word that you say you mean so you called me a bitch that's what you mean. You think I'm a bitch fine." Rue shot her gun at the target.

"Why was Trent talking to you anyway?" Darren trying to get to know his sister.

"Look I'm not talking about this at work this a place of business and personal is never welcomed. So we are not talking about this ever got it! Now grab a gun shut up."Rue told them placing the gun in there hand.

They looked at each other not giving up on Rue. First they where trying to get her home, second trying to get to know her, and third trying to make her feel more like family. Vince was feeling something toward her it wasn't hatred it was something else he didn't know what it was but it was something. Maybe he would figure it out but for right now they needed to be around Rue. They needed to get to know Rue.

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