Chapter 17

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“He’s replied. Oh my god he REPLIED!” Cody squealed in delight, bouncing happily on the bed. I was trying to stick down my artwork, and her sudden movements jolted me. Little printed cutouts sprayed everywhere, ruining my perfect placement.

“God, Cody! Calm down!” I threw a pillow at her, in an attempt to calm her down. “Who replied?”

“Liam!” I sighed in acknowledgement. They’d really hit it off since their first meeting, swapping numbers instantly. They had it easy, Wolverhampton wasn’t that long a drive away. I started picking up my cutouts, placing them back down on a page. It was for Art GCSE, I had to make a college of what happiness meant to me. I’d pretty much cut out pictures of celebrities, makeup, clothes, sunsets, the whole cliche thing. I had a picture of me and Harry stuck down already, also one of me and Cher. Found an upside down cutout underneath my artbook, and my heart skipped a beat when I flipped it over.

Niall’s face was beaming up at me, his long hair flopping over his beautiful aqua eyes. He had his arms around me, squeezing me tightly. His grin was cheesy, whereas I had my tongue out. It was taken when we went bowling. I couldn’t help but reminise back to that day, when it was just a cute little crush.

“Forget about him, Ellis.” Cody’s voice broke me from my trance, and I glanced up to see her wide eyed at me, her phone in her hands.

“I’m sorry, I just can’t.”

“He ended it with you, hes not worth it!”

“Well.. umm..” Okay, I had lied to her. I told her it was Niall who said it wouldnt work out. I know I shouldn’t have, but it just slipped out as I cried to her afterwards.


“Okay. I lied” Cody rolled her eyes at me, dropping her phone onto her lap. I had her full attention now, no backing down, so I continued. “I was the one who said it wasn’t going to work. I broke it off.”

“Oh Ellis. Why?”

“I don’t know!” I face-palmed myself, mentally kicking myself inside. “I was an idiot! I shouldn’t have!” I collapsed back onto my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I let out a deep sigh, closing my eyes, letting Niall’s beautiful features circle my mind, making me dizzy with happiness. “I really miss him, Cody.”

“I know.” I let out a groan, and grabbed a pillow, slamming it onto my face.

“No you dont!” I muffled into the pillow, my words distorted. “I still think about him. Think about hugging him, kissing him. I’m being so stupid. But I miss talking normally. I miss the way his finger curl around mine. The way he blinks twice as much as everyone else. I miss how red his face gets when he can’t stop laughing. I miss it all.”

Silence. That worried me. Slowly plucking the pillow off of my face, I sat up to face Cody. Her face was stretched into a smile, her eyes sparkling with whatever happiness was in her head. One hand was drawn to her cheek, and the look she was casting me was as if I’d just won a gold meddle. I stared at her confused, anticipating her next sentence.

“BABE!” She squeaked slightly, she was obviously putting it on for show. “You love him! You’re in love!”

It hit me like a wave, the impact sinking inside me. Sweet mother of Jesus, she was right. I did. I never really thought about it, but now, it just.. made sense. I was in love. And I’d wasted it. No. No, I hadn’t. I hoped.

“Call him! Text him! Send him a letter in a bottle, I don’t care! Just get ahold of him now!” Cody seemed more excited about this than I did. I laughed at her enthusiasm, searching for my phone under my covers. Success. I had to get hold of him. I searched for his name in my contacts, and selected diall. Please, please pick up. Oh god. What if he didn’t? Wait, what if I did? What was I going to say? I started to panic, and was about to pick up when a voice started talking down the other end.

“Ellis?” It wasn’t Niall’s voice. It was Northern.

“Yeah,” I croaked. I cleared my throat and tried again. “Wild guess, this isn’t Niall?”

“Ah, no! You guessed right.” Laughter. “It’s Louis. What can I do you for?”

“Oh uhm..” I stared at Cody, hoping for her to help me out. She merely shrugged and motioned for me to continue. “I was wondering if you could get Niall for me please?”

“I’d love to, if he was here.”

“You what?” Didn’t they always stick together?

“He’s not here.”

“Where is he?”

“Didn’t Harry tell you..?” Louis sounded a bit more hesitant now, and panic slowly crept up on me. What had happened to Niall? Wait, did I even want to know?

“No.. what’s up?”

“Oh I guessed Harry or Niall would have told you.” Louis definitely sounded panicky now, like he’d let something slip that he shouldn’t have. I was getting edgy now.

“Oh, just tell me!” Louis took a long pause, reluctant to tell me what’s going on. And with good reason too.

“Niall’s at the hospital.”


Hey Guys! :) hope you liked the Chapter. Feedback appreciated

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