Part 0: 01

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All they had wanted to do was drop by and say hello to the Denalis, as they hadn't seen them for the past two or three decades and thus, they were due for a visit. Now, they were stuck witnessing for some creature that they had never heard of before - a hybrid, Annalise thought bitterly, we're risking our lives, my brothers' lives, for an abomination of nature.

She and her brothers lingered outside of Forks, Theodore had snuck through the Cullen property earlier in the day and had returned to tell her it was utterly packed, there were at least eighteen vampires there as well as what he had learned by eavesdropping were "shape-shifters" with the ability to transform into a wolf. No wonder she had smelt wet dog at the Denalis, that's what that Jacob-boy must have been.

"Do they even need us, then?" Annalise had complained, gripping her twin brother's hand, "They have more than enough."

Theodore laughed lightly, pressing his lips to her forehead, "We said we would be there, Anna, we will go."

"You're worried," she heard Theodore say from behind her and felt him lay his hand on her shoulder as he took a seat next to her, "You always worry."

"How can I not," Annalise sighed, leaning into her brother's side, "I can't help but feel we're running to our doom if we help the Cullens. We've spent our entire lives avoiding the Volturi, avoiding being roped into Aro's guard, and for what? For this?"

Theodore sighed, "I know," he agreed softly, "I know, but we said we would be there-"

"We can still not go," Annalise said desperately, "Theo, please, consider it."

"You were the one that made the ultimate decision-"

"And I regret it!" Annalise exclaimed, before lowering her voice, "I didn't get the same feeling  that I have now - you know what I can do and you know that my concern, my fear is justified."

"Anna, could you live with yourself if you let an innocent family perish?" Theodore asked her softly and Annalise hesitated. Could she? The Cullen's had done no wrong, yes, but could she defend them knowing her brothers' lives would be in danger...

"Yes," Annalise said, "I could if it meant you and Elliot would be safe."

Theodore let out a light breath, "Anna, if you're really sure-"

"No," Elliot spoke up softly, both older vampires jumping as they hadn't heard his approach, "We said we would be there, so we're going. I may not approve of the half-breed, but I don't go back on my word - none of us have, we won't start now. If there was one good thing I ever learned from father, it was that if your word means nothing so does your entire person."

Annalise sighed, he's right, she thought bitterly, we've lived by those words for as long as they've existed.

"Then let's go," Annalise said, dropping from the tree she and Theodore were perched in gracefully, Elliot reached out to take her hand, as always, and then they took off towards the Cullen house.

They reached the house very quickly, hearing what seems like an argument inside: "Benjamin, Tia, we're leaving," a man with an Egyptian accent spoke and Annalise blinked, is that Amun? She would have never expected him to show up, especially with Benjamin in tow.

She and her brothers stepped inside and all eyes turned towards them, "Annalise, Theodore, Elliot," Tanya breathed out, relieved, "We had thought you changed your minds."

Annalise leveled her eyes on Tanya, "We had debated on it, but we gave you our word," she said evenly and Tanya just grinned slightly at them.

"Either way, thank you," Carlisle Cullen told them and Theodore nodded.

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