Part 0: 05.5 (BONUS)

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Alice pulled her hand away from Aro with a sneer, shaking her head. "It doesn't matter what I show you. Even when you see," she said slowly, "You still won't change your decision."

Annalise's eyes widened as Alice turned around, mouthing "NOW!" to Bella, who didn't hesitate to turn to Jacob, "Take care of my daughter," she whispered sadly.

Jacob turned and took off into the woods with Renesmee as Alice spun around and kicked Aro away, landing on his feet behind the line of the Volturi.

"Take her away!" Aro said and two guards held Alice back as she tried to get back to her family.

"Let her go!" Carlisle boomed, running forward to attack, dodging several guards. Annalise watched as he leapt into the air and Aro followed. Her breath caught as she saw them struggle midair for a moment until Carlisle's headless body hit the ground with a loud thud and Aro gave the Cullens and their allies a smug grin.

Around them, the Cullens and allies began charging, letting out simultaneous roars of fury and pain at the death of Carlisle. Annalise and her brothers hung back, watching as the witnesses of the Volturi dive head first into the battle - the Guard, the far more threatening entity, following behind, ready to strike twice as hard as their witnesses.

She gave Elliot a stern look. "I know," he said, "I'll hang on the edges of the battle, I promise," he finished and Annalise nodded before looking at Theodore, both of them taking off into the fray. Her eyes immediately landing on a vampire that had tackled Tanya to the ground and was attempting to take off her head.

Annalise's fury peaked. How dare they attempt to take the life of another Denali, another of her friends? 

As her anger strengthened, so did her gift and when she finally released it onto the vampire, his screams tore through the battle so loud that Annalise wasn't sure how his throat didn't tear open. He screamed profanities, pleads for her to stop, he was clawing at his body, tearing out his hair and eventually he gouged out his eyes trying to escape the illusive fear. His hands made it to his neck and there was a horrible shriek of metal as he tore his own head off. 

She noticed that many of the vampires were looking at her with wide eyes, seeing the true extent of her gift. Tanya gave her a thankful look before returning to the fight and Kate was at her side, "Be careful," Kate told her, "They're going to come after you. Right now, you, Bella, Theo and Benjamin are probably the biggest threat to them."

Annalise nodded and Kate was gone. Briefly, she looked around to find Theodore, eventually seeing him toying with one of the Volturi witnesses, who was now laughing like a madman and dancing across the field. Annalise smiled lightly before she noticed a Volturi guard charging at her quickly - Felix, she recognized. Her eyes went wide when she saw how physically imposing the vampire was. He could probably break her in half with his pinky finger, she thought before she began to focus her attention.

Realization hit her like a truck, she wouldn't be able to get to him before he attacked her and then Felix was tackled by Jasper and she let out a breath of relief before turning her attention to her right, where Demetri and Edward were battling, her lips slowing pulling up as she began focusing on Demetri and then - 

Her chest hurt. Why? She looked around and then she realized why.

Alec, she thought horrified as Stefan and Vladimir tag-teamed him. Both vampires taller, bulkier and far, far older than Alec, who looked slightly panicked as he attempted to defend himself from their simultaneous attacks and years of experience of fighting together. 

Instinctually, a vicious snarl left her lips and Annalise didn't even need to focus on the two to send them to the ground, shrieking. Alec scrambled to his feet, looking at them in shock before turning to Annalise, eyes wide with awe. Her eyes met his and Annalise swore that the anarchy around them had disappeared because he was the only damn thing she could see. 

Then she was torn back to the battle as she heard a terrifyingly familiar scream. "Elliot!" she cried, whipping around only to find she was too late as her little brother was attacked by three different Volturi witnesses - unable to defend himself as he tried to dodge the attack.

"NO!" Theodore roared but neither of the twins were able to get to their brother before his head was ripped from his body. 

Annalise couldn't think, couldn't feel anything but pain, pain, pain. Her brother was dead, dead. How? Her entire body ached with her brother's loss, distantly she saw Kate and Tanya let out shrieks of fury as they launched towards the three witnesses.

No, no, no, this isn't real, isn't real, isn't real, Elliot, come here, come here, come here.

Around her, the battle raged harder, the Cullens and their allies losing. She didn't particularly care. She knew she shouldn't have come. She knew it, knewit, knewit! 

She turned as she felt a powerful gust of wind in front her, wondering who Benjamin was aiming for, and then her eyes widened as she saw Alec crash to the ground because of the unexpected wind and then get beheaded by Emmett before she could even think of reacting.

Somehow, even though Annalise didn't even know her mate, it hurt so, so, so much worse than Elliot's death. Or, perhaps, it was the fact both deaths were stacked on top of one another that made it hurt so bad. Was this how Marcus felt every day? How could he still function? Because all Annalise wanted to do was die.

Around her, she watched multiple wolves die, her eyes fell on Jasper, Senna, Tia and Peter's decapitated bodies, all with detached interest. She felt the ground begin to rumble beneath them, shaking violently as a giant chasm tore through the earth, killing many of the Volturi - and Theodore, who was near the edge and was pulled down by a stronger vampire. 

Annalise screamed and all around her both allies and enemies began dropping to the ground or stumbling, shrieking as the horrible aura around her began spreading quickly. Annalise could feel the air around her grow dark and oppressive and heavy - almost alive as it swirled around her growing more powerful, more sentient to the point where she could hardly control it - it was controlling her

In her blind desperation, she didn't realize that a Volturi guard had begun approaching her - somehow able to force himself through the awful energy around her - until she was slammed to the ground, his hands around her neck.

Felix, her red eyes met his, pleading. Kill me, she begged silently, I've lost everything. I have nothing left to live for.

She shut her eyes and there was brief pain before all went dark.

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