Part I: 01

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It was an ordinary day in Volterra, Italy. They were preparing for a trial - an execution, really, Felix thought, amused - he, Alec, Jane, Santiago, and Demetri were the five scheduled to sit in on it and oversee it to make sure nothing went wrong. Nothing ever went wrong, but they could never be too careful.

Felix took his position near the door across from Demetri, who gave him a look before giving a minuscule nod towards Alec and Jane. Jane was standing slightly behind and to the right of a completely miserable Alec, who was glaring absentmindedly at the empty space in front of him.

Felix let out a soft breath of amusement before looking away. Ever since Alec had met his mate, Annalise, and was forced to leave her, his mood had been getting worse and worse. That, of course, was bad for them, because even the slightest comment would set him off and even Felix knew that an angry Alec was a very, very, dangerous Alec because Alec never got angry - it was Jane's whose fury was renown. Alec had always been more tranquil compared to Jane - calm, watchful, scheming - but for the past year and a half, his temper had been even worse than Jane's. Just three months ago, Demetri had made a comment about how he was acting and Alec kept him under his gift for three days and would have kept him under longer had Aro not needed him for a mission.

And when he wasn't angry, he was sad and honestly, Felix would have felt bad for him but it was also really funny.

Six years ago, when Felix had first met his mate in the United States, Alec and Jane had made fun of how attached she was to him and how temperamental and upset she was when he had left for missions. Oh, how the tides have turned, dear Alec.

Truthfully, the fact that Alec was having the same exact reactions as Lyra made it even more hysterical because it meant that he was the -


Felix turned his attention as the doors opened and Santiago led the vampire into the throne room. Felix and Demetri closed in behind them and followed them to where they stood in front of the throne rooms.

Felix's eyes drifted to the Masters - Aro, as always, looked cheerful, Marcus bored and Caius, well, there was about to be an execution so Caius looked to be in a fairly good mood. Aro began talking to the vampire on trial and Felix drifted back into his thoughts.

Jane was a problem, too. Not only because she had to deal with the brunt of Alec's horrific mood swings but because her moods reflected Alec's. If Alec was angry, so was Jane. If Alec was sad... well, if Alec was sad, Jane was even angrier and would hunt down someone to take it out on. Felix couldn't even count the number of times he had been held under her gift in the past year and a half.

Speaking of the devil, Jane was glaring at Felix at the moment, as if she had stolen Edward Cullen's power and could hear every thought he had. He could practically hear the death threats being screamed at him.

Felix knew that he would be in for another round of pain as soon as this trial was over. Aro looked at him and Felix and immediately both of them moved forward, ripping the vampire's arms off as Caius took off his head, looking overwhelmingly pleased with himself.

"You're all dismissed," Aro said offhandedly, "Jane, please don't kill Felix."

Thank you, Felix nearly cried in relief.

Jane scowled, "Master," she said in acknowledgment, turning to leave and giving Felix a glare as she did so. What did he even do? Felix thought in disbelief, he was just standing there! Just as they were all about to leave the room, their human secretary barged in, looking extremely panicked with a phone in her hand.

"You have interrupted," Aro told her, raising an eyebrow.

The secretary, Nicolette, maybe, he guessed at her name, look flustered. "There's an Alice Cullen on the phone, she says that you'll want to talk to her."

Aro's eyes widened and he was immediately in front of her, taking the phone.

As soon as the phone was in his hands, Alice Cullen's voice rang loudly in the ears of the vampires. "Aro. Your guard needs to get to Switzerland as soon as possible. The Rosiers are there and they're going to die. I've already told them to run but the wolves are - they're too fast, it's unnatural. I've... I've been having visions - terrible ones - and it seems that they all start with their deaths. You can't let them die. We're on our way to Volterra now, but we won't make it in time to help them."

Then she hung up, leaving the room quiet.

"We have to go," Alec immediately spoke up, looking wide-eyed and frantic, "That's Annalise. We need to go."

"She said wolves," Caius said urgently, "She can't mean the Children of the Moon, can she?"

Aro's eyes flickered to Caius, "Well, I highly doubt that it's their own dogs hunting the Rosiers down," he said offhandedly, "On the other hand, it's the middle of the day. Perhaps another group of shifters?" he turned to the guard gathered, "Alec, Jane, Felix, and Demetri, go to them, bring them here. Be swift."

Alec was gone in an instant and Jane not far behind him. Demetri and Felix shared a long look before following after the twins.


Annalise could hear them, smell them, she could practically feel them chasing her. The stench was almost unbearable and the pounding in their large hearts was erratic and frenzied, deafening. She didn't dare to turn around because she knew the moment she laid her eyes upon the monstrous creatures that were chasing them, she would freeze and she couldn't do that - not when Theodore and Elliot needed her to remain level-headed.

God, Annalise couldn't even find it within herself to mitigate her fear using her gift. Her mind was panicked, not clear enough for her to concentrate on alleviating her unadulterated terror

Were they going to die? Annalise thought, eyes filling with venomous tears that she knew would never fall. This was all her fault, she should have just listened to her brothers and gone straight to Volterra.

She saw something from the corner of her eye - one of the werewolves, which looked nothing like the shapeshifters in Forks, she had noted. It had leaped forward, tearing away from the large pack way behind it.

Right towards Elliot.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion.


She threw herself in the werewolf's line of attack.

The first thing she noticed was the pain - worse than anything she had ever felt before, ten times as worse as the change, itself. The second thing she noticed was screaming. Elliot let out a horrible shriek when he realized what happen and Theodore began yelling at him to run.


Distantly, she felt the werewolf get thrown off of her and Annalise wondered where Theodore had gotten the strength to do such a thing.

Then she felt nothing.

just thought I'd let y'all know I'm proud of myself because while I was working out yesterday (which let me tell you is an accomplishment in itself) I was listening to some songs and the songs gave me the inspiration for the rest of the book and I literally outlined nearly the entire part II and III. I am on a roll.

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