Part 0: 02

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Eleven days later, after much more debating from Annalise as to whether or not they should stay or go, they approached the field in which the Cullen and their allies were staying until the Volturi arrived. This is such a bad idea, Annalise thought, she should never have offered to take out Alec - it would sign their death warrant and years of running from the Volturi - it would condemn her brothers.

"Relax," Theodore murmured, taking her hand gently into his, "Everything will turn out okay, I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Theo," Annalise said quietly, looking away from him.

"He's right, Anna," Elliot said, tugging at her hand to make her look at him, "We'll end up fine, we always do."

"There is a first time for everything," Annalise responded doubtfully, "If anything, we've gotten off too lucky in the past."

Elliot let out a child-like laugh that warmed Annalise's dead blood. Elliot's happiness was rare, his human life - like Annalise's and Theodore's - far too painful and that pain only amplified after he turned into a vampire. Sometimes, Annalise feared, that Elliot's own gift affected him more than he realized - that he was unconsciously using his gift on himself. She feared this because she knew that she, herself, would unintentionally inflect her gift on herself and she'd have moments where she would recklessly be afraid of nothing and other moments in which she was terrified for no reason at all and just wanted to run, run, run! Briefly, she wondered if she was doing it now, and that was why she was so fearful of this confrontation, or contrarily, that Elliot was unwittingly broadcasting his own gift and it was causing the extreme doubt and anxiety that Annalise felt.

Annalise wasn't sure if it was because he was young, still having the allure (although far more diluted) of an immortal child - yet old enough that he wasn't a threat to vampire kind - or simply because he was her baby brother, but Annalise would do anything to preserve Elliot's happiness, would give the world to hear his laugh more than once a month.

"We'll be okay, Anna," Elliot repeated and Annalise leaned down and pressed her lips to the top of his head.

"I know," she said, lying through her teeth - but luckily, lying is one of the things she had been good at as a human and even better at as a vampire. Though Theodore knew that it was a blatant lie, Elliot clearly fell for it - trusting his sister's words as he relaxed into her side. She felt guilty, "I'm sorry," she said and she wasn't sure if she was sorry for being so negative or if she was sorry for abusing her little brother's unwavering, blind trust.

"It's okay," Elliot gave a small smile as he looked up at her, "I can't blame you for worrying about us, Anna, even though you don't need to."

"I know," she repeated softly, running her thumb along the back of Elliot's small hand.

She would never be able to forgive herself if something happened to her brothers because of her rash decision to defend the half-breed. She was unsure as to why she was so taken by it, but she could only assume it had a similar allure as to what a true immortal child had, so she was unable to think clearly and weigh out her options as she should have.

"Do we have to talk to anyone?" Elliot complained as they drew closer, "The dogs smell bad and most of the vampires seem fairly annoying, I'd rather just sit with you two away from them."

Theodore laughed, "As would I," he agreed, "We'll attempt to steer clear of them and make conversation short if anyone attempts to speak to us," he told Elliot who immediately looked a bit happier at his words. Theodore looked around, his smile fading as he took in Annalise's stressed expression.

Red eyes met red and silently, his eyes told her: it will be okay, and if it's not, Aro will accept us into the Volturi, our gifts are strong, you know that.

I do, Annalise thought, but Jane and Alec are strong too.

They can be blocked by Bella - you can't, your gift is both physical and mental, so is Elliot's.

And you?

I will be taken in by default, Theodore grinned lightly at her and she rolled her eyes, feeling slightly less doubtful than before. Aro would take them, she wouldn't give him a choice if it meant keeping her brothers alive. It would be last resort, of course, because Annalise has spent her human life as nigh-royal herself and her vampire life free as can be - she would not do well enslaved to a king, but if kneeling meant saving her brothers, she would do it without hesitation.

They came into the clearing as the Romanians were talking about their empire and Annalise sneered in distaste: she did not like the Volturi, but even she knew that revealing their kind to humanity was incredibly foolish. She had seen first hand the destruction that humankind was capable of - and the prejudice. She truthfully did fear nuclear bombs that could vaporize and were made to destroy and kill, and she knew that humanity feared what is naturally stronger than them, what it could not explain. Humanity would not take well to the existence of vampires which were created to kill humans. One thing that Annalise would undoubtedly support was keeping the existence of vampires a secret.

Throughout that night, they lingered upon the edges of the clearing, not necessarily wanting to converse with any other vampire. Annalise had noted that Alistair had not shown, and she didn't blame him - she wished that she could take her brothers and run, leaving the Cullens and their witnesses to fight the Volturi alone, but she had incriminated she and her brothers as soon as she swore to take care of Alec and revealed her abilities first-hand. As soon as Aro would touch even one of their hands, he would know and he would come for them - there was no doubt about that.

Later in the night, Garrett had approached her, immediately saying that though he hated the British, she wasn't so bad and Annalise wasn't exactly sure how to respond to that because she had literally just tortured him less than two weeks before and enjoyed it. Luckily, she didn't have to formulate a response because he had wandered away back towards Kate before she could answer.

After Garrett had left, Maggie had come over. They talked to their Irish friend, and eventually, Tanya, who ended up coming to talk to them later - thanking them for witnessing - for a good while before dawn broke over the horizon and everyone began heading over to where the battle - confrontation, she corrected - would take place. Annalise watched Renesmee climb agilely onto Bella's back several feet behind the front line of Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Rosalie, Tanya, Kate, and Eleazar. Near Bella was Benjamin, prepared to protect her so she could shield everyone as she had been practicing for the past week.

As soon as Annalise, Theodore, and Elliot took their place slightly behind Bella, Zafrina and Senna took their places beside them, giving them a sharp nod before turning forward, rigid and fear.

Annalise noted two vampires - nomads, she figured - that weren't there before. A male and female in their mid-twenties who were talking amongst themselves. Curiously, she wondered who they were before a disgusting stench overcame her.

Annalise wrinkled her nose as she caught scent of the large, invisible wolves behind them, their heavy pants and beating hearts taking up all of the sound in the silent clearing.

The clouds rolled in, diffusing the light, and Annalise watched raptly as Edward stiffened - she was sure it was time, now. No turning back.

She felt Elliot grab her hand softly and with her other hand, she ran her fingers through his silky hair, soothing him. He leaned into her side and sighed and Annalise briefly shut her eyes: they should have backed out when they had the chance, she thought pitifully. Sensing her melancholic thoughts, Theodore placed a hand on her back.

From the forest, a huge russet wolf came forward - Jacob, Annalise assumed - and stood by Bella and Renesmee.

The minutes ticked by and Annalise began hearing the sounds of approach.

She trained her eyes on the forest north of where they stood just as the first of the black cloaks stepped through the tree-line and onto the snowy ground.

The beginning of the end

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