Long Due Promise

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While I was reading a random book, I realized that I never wrote the story of my version how Mama Coco died. So, I'm giving her one right now.


Miguel and Angelita sat down beside Mama Coco as she told them tales about her Papa when she was just a little girl before he left and how happy her family was. On Miguel's lap was little Socorro Rivera, Miguel's little sister.

Socorro babbled on as Mama Coco began to tell the two children about how her Papa would go to her room every night while Mama Imelda was asleep and the two would sing her lullaby for hours until they both fell asleep.

"Mama use to think Papa was having the case of sleepwalking until she found out our activities"

Angelita chuckled "Tell me about it" Her gaze went to Miguel who was staring at Socorro from time to time.


Miguel asked once he found out she had been staring for the past two minutes. Angelita pretended to act nonchalant and shrugged.


Miguel frowned "I have a feeling it was far from nothing" Angelita gave him a mock shocked look.

"Miguel Rivera, are you accusing me?" Angelita kept up her act of being angry with tears starting to form and it was hard to stifle a laugh when Miguel fell for it and began to look wildly around.

He was not use to crying girls, especially if that crying girl was someone important to him.

Mama Coco chuckled before she suddenly felt tired and raised a weak hand to Miguel and Angelita "Discúlpenme niños, can you give me a moment to rest?" Feeling like he was taking too much of her energy, Miguel nodded.

"Sí Mama Coco, descansar un poco"

Socorro gave a tiny laugh as Miguel carried her away with Angelita behind him. Mama Coco relaxed on her wheelchair and felt her eyes drop and no matter how hard she wanted them to open, she had a feeling she won't be opening her eyes ever again in this world.


Dinner was already set at the River household and Miguel had headed towards Mama Coco's room to inform her of tonight's dinner.

"Mama Coco, dinner is ready"

No answer, Miguel began to knock again before slowly pushing the door open.

Mama Coco was on her wheelchair but Miguel felt like something wasn't right. He approached his sleeping Mama Coco and lightly gave a small shove to wake her.

Her head lolled to the side and that's when Miguel noticed no air was coming through her nose.

He let lose an ear piercing scream that sent the entire Rivera Family running to him.


Back in the Land of the Dead, Hector Rivera was slowly easing himself in the Rivera household as were all the residence in the house, most importantly it's family's matriarch.

For once, he felt like he had come home after an endless dream of being with his entire family again when he was still living in Shantytown.

Imelda had never felt peace and happiness enter her very being ever since Hector left her and Coco. Granted he left to earn money which he always sends them coupled with a few letters for Coco and love letters for her, she could not help but feel a twinge of an old pain whenever someone would mention that fateful day Hector left.

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