The Wedding Bells Part 1

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Weeks later...

Angelita woke up one fine morning with a big smile on her face. Tomorrow was her wedding day and she couldn't have planned all of the decors had it not been for her friends and family.

Angelita turned to see Marijo and Anahi sprawled all over the mattress while Chloe, Allishcia and Nathaly were already up and about since they were not around in the room.

Angelita yawned and stretched before moving to open her window...

Only to receive screams and flashes of camera lights.

Angelita let out a startled scream that woke Anahi and Marijo. Angelita quickly shut the window and covered the blinds with a gasp.

"Wha - What's happening?"

Marijo yawned, sleep still clouding her mind before the door burst open and in came Nathaly with a bat on her hands.

"Any of the fans climbed up here?!"

Was the first thing she asked and Anahi was quick to answer, sleep already gone from her eyes.

"We heard screaming and cameras...what is going on outside?!"

Nathaly shrugged her shoulders "The place is crawling with people. Same goes with the Rivera household. Apparently someone managed to find out about the wedding" Marijo raised a brow.

"I thought this was suppose to be kept secret since we all know how the people are going to act"

Nathaly gripped the bat tighter "A certain cousin of yours spilled the beans on his friends. Speaking of that, where is Antoine? He ran away just as soon as I grabbed the bat" By now the atmosphere dropped and anyone near them could probably hear them scream with a promise of pain.



Antoine crouched down in a small corner, trying to make himself disappear as the ever towering shadow of the girls closed in on him.

"Care to explain..."

Maria asked with gritted teeth while the Crew gave him to what he called as the "demonic" glare.

Angelita merely rubbed her temples in annoyance. Despite Antoine unknowingly let the word spread, they can't change what had happened and only move forward.

This is really stressing me out.

Angelita can't help but sigh and lightly pushed the girls crowding around Antoine "As much as I want to kick you and beat you up, tomorrow is my wedding and I wouldn't want Nathaly's piano partner to have a beat up face" Nathaly crossed her arms and huffed.

She was beginning to hate Antoine being her partner.

Maria swiftly looked at Angelita before turning around and walked away "I am going to let off some steam to the crowd" Nathaly was quick on her feet to follow "Wait for me Mar" Anahi quickly followed behind.

"I'm going as well before I do something I might regret"

Antoine gulped before he chuckled nervously. Chloe rubbed her forehead before she turned to Angelita "How about you and I finish the planning and make sure to keep boys out of it" Angelita nodded.

"No problem"


The Big Day...

"I am literally blaming Antoine for this"

Angelita said as Allischia finished the last of Angelita's make up. She smiled and wiped the sweat off her forehead "I am so proud of myself" Angelita grumbled. Chloe clapped in praise at the handy work Allischia did to Angelita.

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