D+13 (Monday)

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The second worst thing that could have happened in school happened – Addie called their English teacher 'mommy':

A hiss carrying her name cut across the silence of the classroom. Mrs. Benson looked up from the papers she was marking but everyone appeared to be in a daze, coming out briefly to see where the noise was coming from. When they settled back down, another hiss cut across the room.

This time Mrs. Benson focused her glare at Brienne who was looking at the board and counting on her fingers; which was highly suspicious since she was supposed to be engaged in a reading comprehension exercise. Addie was looking up and down at her textbook, furiously making notes. When the teacher turned back to her work, Addie turned to Brienne before she got them both in trouble. Already they had run laps that morning since never-on-time Greta was late again. Brienne pointed to a piece of paper that was making its way to Addie. It was coded in case it was intercepted but Addie didn't have the code.

"In your desk," the hiss sounded again.

"One more outburst and it's detention for the whole class."

The other students barely stirred although one or two glared accusingly at Addie and Brienne. It took a long time before Mrs. Benson returned to her work but she kept a wary eye about the classroom and spotted the piece of paper Addie took from Zayn.

"Adelaide Park!" Mrs. Benson barked.

Addie startled. "Yes, mommy!"

At first, Mrs. Benson was taken aback then sniggered behind her hands when a look of abject horror colored Addie's face. A ripple of laughter rocked the classroom at Addie who was shaking her head in hopes that this was a bad dream. It was not and she knew it wasn't when a look of pity appeared on Mrs. Benson's face. Addie's eyes pleaded with her to let her be excused and with a small nod, the graying woman agreed.

Addie flew out of her seat. She could live with the taunting from the other students. What she couldn't live with was the knowing smirk Brienne had directed at her. Her whole body flushed with embarrassment at the memory of Brienne's voice whispering 'tell mommy what you want'. She wasn't looking where she was going and she bumped into something broad and hard. Well, someone board and hard.

"Kieran!" she cried, tears at the edge of her eyes.

His warm smile turned into a concerned frown. "What's the matter? What happened?"

"Only the worst thing ever!" Addie wailed.

Kieran waited for Addie to expound on the proclamation and stifled a laugh when he heard what had happened. Addie glared at him and he relented although it was very hard to keep his cheeks from rising.

"It's not the worst thing ever," he comforted her with a pat on her shoulders. "You're certainly not the first student to have that happen to. It will blow over in a couple of days."

Addie was not convinced, her frown deepening.

"It's kind of cute actually," Kieran offered, his eyes twinkling. But Addie's face was still scrunched up. "In the meantime, wanna hang out in the computer lab?"

Addie met his eyes and for a moment she felt better, if slightly dizzy. "Yeah. That will be great."

They spent the rest of the afternoon playing Prince of Persia and Where in the World is Carmen Santiago.

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