D+8 (Tuesday)

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When Brienne said group she actually meant team. Sports team to be precise. In addition to inter-school and inter-house competitions, the school also had inter-class tournaments to win the chance organize the end of year school dance. It was a pretty big deal for the first and second form classes since there was an age restriction and winning the inter-class trophy meant that they could join in the after dark shenanigans. Brienne was not at all interested in lame school dances. Her motivation for winning the inter-class tournaments was to crush their enemies - the Bush Babies.

"I've only just started here and I already have enemies?" Addie commented dryly, munching on her cheese and onion crisps. She didn't particularly like them but there was a certain pride associated with surviving the stampede and getting the last packet. "And what? The Bush Babies?"

"Yes. We are the Dik Diks."

Addie sneezed but it sounded awfully like a suppressed laugh. "As in girl scouts?" she asked incredulously.

The question was ignored. "What electives are you taking?" Brienne asked pushing Addie through into the girl's changing room.

"Geography, German, Chemistry, and English literature."

"That won't do."

"Excuse me?"

"We're all taking French," offered Phoenix; she wore glasses with severe bangs, "so we won't have the same free period."

Somehow Addie wasn't cut up about that.

"I didn't see you at house meeting last Wednesday either," Brienne continued, pulling out her sports uniform.

"That's because I'm in Venus House."

Phoenix gasped. "That's no good."

Brienne was blunt. "Why are you in Venus House? They lose at everything. They totally suck."

Peeved, Addie retorted, "It's not like it was my choice."

"How are we supposed to beat the Bush Babies when ours sports ace is in a losing house? Phoenix and I are in Saturn and we always come in third. At least Greta is in Mars House but she's completely hopeless at sports."

Addie didn't know what being in Venus House had to do with anything, besides she was stuck on one thing Brienne had said, "I'm not a sports ace!" she protested.

"It was a rookie mistake to show your athletic abilities from the start," Brienne sympathized handing her a shirt similar to the one she had just pulled over her head. It was then that Addie realized that she had been herded into the girl's changing room in the sports complex.

"What is this for?" She asked eyeing the green v-neck with the team's sigil on the left breast pocket.

"The dodge ball match," Brienne answered irritably.


"Didn't Greta tell you?"

"No," Addie said throwing an accusatory glare at the red-head who just shrugged.

"No matter. You'll be fine. It's no big deal taking the lead."

"The lead?"

"Oh my God, is there an echo in here?"

Addie let that go because she noticed that Greta wasn't in her sports gear. She pointed this out.

"Greta's the spare. She does whatever it is spares do," Brienne said dismissively.

"That's a bit rude," Addie remarked turning away to remove her school shirt. She missed Brienne's smirk at her modesty but not when she pulled up her bloomers before taking of her school skirt.

"No, I don't mind." Greta's returned dreamily, almost ethereal.


The sun was beating down mercilessly on the dusty sports field. Addie's thighs were feeling overexposed in her grey bloomers and tiny top-skirt, especially with Brienne standing behind her. With her left hand she shielded her eyes from the sun's rays while her right foot thumped the ground as they waited for the Bush Babies to take the field. There was a sizeable turn out of boys lining up the parameter making Addie color deeply as she tried pulling her oversized shirt down. She considered lowering her knee high socks but decided against showing any more skin.

"Stop fidgeting with your clothes." Brienne snapped, "You're making me...nervous." She didn't look nervous though. She looked positively statuesque with her hair tied back and war paint under her eyes. "Where are they?" No sooner had Brienne uttered those words did the Bush Babies grace the sport's field in all their glamazon glory. Five perfectly fitted yellow shirts, grey pleated skirts, and Nike cleats. 

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