She pulled Spade in until he faced away and she looked upon the ruins where the stench of burned flesh and smoke drifted in one a breeze
"No" she whispered as she scanned the area
"No Father!" Kenzy shouted as she jumped off Spade and ran to the wreckage of her home
"It looks like her horse went this way..." Sparkles said as he watched the horse prints in the ground beneath him and soon he stumbled upon a campsite and saw the prints continue on so he quickly took off while watching the prints until he came upon a mountain where he followed the woman until she reached a destroyed village where he saw the woman run towards a home which was smoldering
"Oh no" Kenzy said as he saw the scorched body laying atop of the forge and she knew that he was gone and she felt her heart break and anger fill her entire body
"Hey wait!" a voice said from above and she turned on her heel to see a man flying in the air while dressed in a suit without a tie and had red glasses that were tinted and his hair slicked back was he the one who did this
"Who are you!" Kenzy yelled watching his every move
"I'm CaptainSparklez but you may call me Jordan or Sparkles" he said as he lowered to the ground
"Don't move another foot you" she said with a low voice for she was going to rip him apart for doing this to her Father and the entire village
"Easy now" he said as she started to approach him
"Really is that what you say to someone after you slaughter their entire village?" she growled angrily which confused Jordan how could she think he done this he's been following her this whole time he didn't even know that she lived in this village that was built within this mountain
"Pfft I bet you stayed to gloat" she fell backwards suddenly as a strange feeling no a person? Call out to her not her name just it felt like something was reaching out to her
"Sparkles good job tracking down young Kenzy here" a soft but kind female voice said as if it was stirred with the very air itself
"My Lady I did not realize you were around" the man said
"Yes as for you Kenzy listen to me Sparkles was not the person who did this to your village" and then a woman in purple and white clothes appeared upon her neck was a familiar symbol of a green dragon eye
"Really now how am I supposed to believe a person who I don't even know and after I find a man who was somehow here with me at me destroyed village!" the woman just stood there and took a deep breath
"You should know me Kenzy for I am Ianite Goddess of Balance and Justice as for your village and Sparkles here they aren't connected at all" she said quietly as she moved towards her Kenzy looked at the woman shocked this was Lady Ianite?! The person who her Father no her village followed dearly
"I-I thought you disappeared long ago?" Kenzy whispered just as Ianite reached her
"No the history of this realm that you know is a lie young one and if you wish to avenge your village you must come with us" Ianite spoke sternly while placing a hand on her shoulder
"Why should I?" she said while looking at the burnt body of her Father feeling the anger burn away at Ianite's touch only to be replaced by sadness the next feeling that was in line
"Our causes will be same as soon as we explain things to you but first" she waved her free hand and a area a little ways from her Father's body shook as Ianite lowered the hand from her shoulder just as a big black sword flew into Ianite's hand which glimmered brightly in the sunlight of the morning

Mianite The Death Of The Good
FantasyIt seemed like Kenzy Calvert has a normal life with her blacksmith of a Father who would do anything for his daughter but anything can mean anything including his own life so when Kenzy's Father sends her on journey to deliver something to a friend...