After Kenzy and Ianite descended down the elevator Ianite gave her a stern look that reminded of her Father's look from when she got in trouble as a child even as the huge weight of pain fell on her heart she immediately became aware that she was in huge trouble for listening to Lord Dianite
"I expected better of you than of you going off on you own we don't need you getting hurt!" Ianite said
"I'm sorry after I saw the Dojo I just thought... well...-hey you know what Lady Ianite" Kenzy said as a thought hit her
"What might that be Kenzy" Ianite said with slight curiosity coming through her anger at the woman who stood in front of her
"I shouldn't even be taking this your not my Father!" saying that very word made her heartache become worse and Ianite looked like she was taken back by that very comment
"Kenzy I don't even-" Kenzy held up a hand to stop the very thing Ianite was saying
"I'm just going to go for a little while oh and I'll have no stupid babysitter thank you" and with that Kenzy took off from Waglington's tower in a huff of anger while leaving behind a very surprised Ianite behind watching her go
Sparkles looked out one of Waglington's window as they were talking and saw Kenzy fly off on her own away from the Fortress of Fury and he knew something was wrong
"Anyway Sparkles I was thinking..." Waglington said but then he looked at his friend who starred out that window
"Sparkles are you alright?" Waglington asked causing Sparkles to nod slowly as if unsure of the answer
"I better go do what My Lady has asked" he then said and before Waglington could say goodbye he rushed to the white elevator block and moved down making Waglington shake his head and mutter something about replacing the potion
"Ianite!" Sparkles said when he came down and saw the Goddess of Balance sitting on the steps to Waglington's small room next to the elevator
"Sparkles I think we rushed her" Ianite said quietly
"My Lady are you okay?" Sparkles said while rushing forward towards his Lady
"We rushed the poor girl didn't even give her time to grieve then we had her trust us in her destroyed village and finally dragged her here and I got angry for when she tried to explore this new land and its surrounding we should've made sure she was okay and she was comfortable then explained things to her not of rushed her"
Sparkles then remembered seeing Kenzy take off alone
"Where is Kenzy" Sparkles asked
"She took off after I scolded her for taking off after listening to my brother"
Sparkles sighed and reached into the jacket of his suit and pulled out the transmitter and unmuted it
"Guys we have a problem" he said talking into the transmitter
"What is it now Jordan?" a male voice said back
"Yeah what did you break now?" a female voice then said
"Someone important just took off by the name of Kenzy and Ianite's worried so we need to find her" Sparkles said as he scanned the skies for the woman
"Well bloody hell that sounds like a problem for team Ianite then huh" another new british male said
"Shut up Tom you're going to help whether you like it or not" Sparkles said
"Fuck that shit" he said causing the male and female to laugh then the sound of lightning sounded through the air and the transmitter in a straight tone robotic voice
"SynHD was killed by Dianite's Fury" Tucker and Sonja immediately stopped laughing
"Fine! Fine fuck this shit but fine!" SynHD yelled
"At least Jericho and Firefoxx will help out right?..." Dianite said a slight warning tone in his voice making the two in question shudder at the thought Dianite's fury
"Tucker, Sonja you too because Ianite is literally about to cry over to this it's as if she's super important..." Sparkles trailed off
"Where was she last?" Dianite's voice boomed through the air and a heavy presence was felt meaning that he was near Sparkles
"By Wag's place" just then a person in red samurai armor appeared
"Which way do I go?" Tucker said
"Start SouthWest as for Sonja she can start from her house and Tom from his" Sparkles said than in the blink of an eye Tucker was gone and Sparkles sighed to himself
"I'll head straight Sparkly Loins" Dianite said and his voice was no more as well as his presence faded from Sparkles
"Lady Ianite" Sparkles called to the Goddess causing her to look up
"You weren't there when Steve told me to go after her but how did you know about her" Sparkles said while rising into the air
"She's important to all of us even as you don't know it yet Sparkles but please find her" Sparkles nodded
"We'll find her My Lady" and he turned flying away a few feet while Ianite stood and walked to the edge of Waglington's entrance then to her surprise Sparkles stopped looking over his shoulder his eye hidden by his red sunglasses
"I promise"

Mianite The Death Of The Good
FantasyIt seemed like Kenzy Calvert has a normal life with her blacksmith of a Father who would do anything for his daughter but anything can mean anything including his own life so when Kenzy's Father sends her on journey to deliver something to a friend...