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With a battery percentage of 8% and at the time of 12:40am, I hereby share my knowledge of Mystic Messenger puns and jokes:

•If there's a Saeran, there's a SaeWALK

•Like ze bruddah, if there's a Saeyoung, there's a SaeOLD!

•Hey there, want some VCUT??? (Brand of chips, lol)

•U put your right JumIN, you put ur right JumOUT, u put ur right JumIN and u shAkE iT aLL arOund

•I guess you feel ZENsitive around me ;)

•Hey! Yoosung a great song yesterday!

•Jaehee, be our BAEHEE!

•So why don't we do a RIKAp on today's lesson?

ELLYf fell on his head. A big green leaf. I like leaves.,.

Ok that's it. I'm out

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