I've GOT you...Ms Quinn.

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Happy was waiting patiently for Dr. Curtis to arrive to the fancy pants restaurant she was in.
Happy and Toby were in their second week of secretly dating...

'There you are! You took ages...' Happy said as Toby walks in with flowers and a box of chocolates.
'I learn from my mistakes.' Toby said.
'Thank you.' Happy said, taking the flowers and placing them in the pot on the table and plopping the chocolates in her bag.
'May I take your order?' A waiter asked.

'Yeah.' Happy said, 'I would like a spaghetti with meatballs and a glass of water.'
'And...for you sir?'
'I'll take the same.' Toby said, smiling at Happy.
'Okay, great. Your meal will be ready shortly.' The waiter said, closing his notepad and going off.

'I'll be back, I just need to take a dump.' Happy said, getting up.
'How delightful...' Toby said.

Happy was just finished and was washing her hands when someone grabbed her from behind, pulling her through the fire exit in the bathroom and into a dark alleyway...


Toby waited patiently for ten minutes for Happy to get back from the bathroom...was it really that long?
She might just be on her menstrual cycle or something...

After twenty minutes their food had been served and Happy was still not back. Toby messaged her to make sure she was still alive.

Toby: Happy?? Are you okay in there?

Happy: If you want to see Ms Quinn again, meet me outside in the alley...

Toby: Happy?

Happy: Do as I say if you want to see Ms Quinn.

Toby: I am coming!!!! 😡

Toby went out back to the alley as told to do and Happy was held tied up by none other than Mark Collins...

She was wrapped up with string and duct tape over her mouth.
'Mark? Let Happy go!' Toby shouted.
'Uh uh un...Tobias, Happy isn't going home until you give me all of Walter's BBI research for Megan.' Mark said.
'What? Why do you want that?' Toby asked.
'Doesn't matter! Give it to me or else, this is the last time you'll see your little girlfriend.' Mark said.

'Okay Fine! It's back at Scorpion!' Toby said.
'No! I don't care! You hand it to me!' Mark said.
'Fine, sure...just let me go over there..' Toby said.
'Too longg! I have had enough just waiting and waiting for Scorpion to come around! So now, I am going to make Scorpion wait and wait for Happy to be returned to them...' Mark said and shoved Happy inside his van, whacking Toby over the head with a bat and driving off.

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