Your DEAD now...Ms Quinn.

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Happy had been imprisoned by Mark for 8 weeks now and she had been counting down the days for what seemed like ages.

She had done many things while she was stuck in Collins' house but her time there had been spent living through rape and beatings, not good.

She lay on her bed, not decent, Collins would come in and tear her clothes off anyway but she did place her blanket over of her, she hadn't lost all her dignity. Collins entered the room with his bare lower body and a shirt, ' can just listen to instructions.'

'I hate you.' Happy said.
'No you don't...' Collins laughed.
'Yes I do and when Scorpion find me your gonna be sorry.' Happy said.
'Scorpion? You still think Scorpion are going to FIND you? No...' Mark said then slipped inside the Collins with Happy, thrusting inside her.
Happy whimpered and Collins put his hand over her mouth, bringing his face close to hers.
'Scorpion have forgotten about you and this is your life now, just you and me for 365 days each year.' He said and groped her breasts, pushing into her.

A tear fell from Happy's eye.

'Stand up and put your hands in the air!' yelled a FBI man with a gun and a black military suit.
Mark pulls out of me and grabs the only pillow on the bed, covering his manhood with it.
'I would put my hands up, I'm sure you can understand, officer.' Mark says.
'Yes...I've got a man here who needs some pants, I repeat, he needs pants! White male, glasses, brown hazelnut hair, facial hair and blue blouse,' The officer says into his radio transmitter, 'And I think a woman here needs clothes! Petite Asian female, black hair.'

Another officer shortly came and gave Mark some pants and Happy a towel.
A paramedic came in and started attending to Happy's wounds and cuts.

The male FBI took Mark away to the police station, where he would later be taken to prison after his trial and all that.

However, Happy also got taken to the police station because they needed her body for evidence. They made her take of the towel, taking pictures of her naked body.
It wasn't quite her cup of tea but at least she was safe now.

She sat down in the station, she was wearing a baggy black shirt, grey trousers and trainers, she preferred boots but these were the first clean clothes she had had in a long time so, she wasn't complaining. Happy had just come to the realisation that she was very scrawny, her hair felt to big for her to carry and her arms were quite skinny.
She was weak and didn't feel like moving off the chair she was waiting in.

She ran her fingers through her bushy black hair, combing it behind her face.
'Happy Quinn?' A female officer asked, 'I'm here to take you back to Scorpion, the people who found you have been eager to see you.'
Happy slowly walked next to the woman who helped her walk along and into the car.
As they drove she could see a lot of buildings, Kolvesky's was one of them.

The police car stopped and the officer helped Happy inside, 'Scorpion, she's here.'
'Thank you, officer.' Walter said.
The rest of Scorpion all came from where they were sitting on the couch and gathered around Happy who was standing where the officer had left her.
'Happy...I'm so sorry!' Toby said and hugged her gently.
'This is all my fault.' Happy said, hugging Toby back.
'Don't say that, if it's anyone's fault it's mine.' Toby said.
'No,' Cabe said, 'It's Mark and I'm gonna make sure he rots in whatever prison he's taken to.'
'Thanks, Cabe.' Happy said, smiling a little.
'Oh my god, Happy. You look terrible, I can't imagine what went on while you were captured.' Paige said.
'We tried looking for you but it was tricky, we wish we could have found you sooner.' Toby said.
'It's okay, it-it's, you know what...Let me just say something,' Happy began, 'It was awful, not being able to do anything, feeling weak and powerless. I spent my life not being able to do anything to get out of the foster homes I was put into and it just felt as if I had been thrown into the lions den. I got tortured, he ra...he rap...' Happy left her sentence and Toby gave her a hug.

'He tortured you didn't he?' Walter asked, 'I can't believe Collins would actually drop to that low standard.'

'Happy, come with me, you look so skinny, we need to get you some food before it becomes a natural state and you get anorexia.' Toby said, bringing Happy to the couch, giving her his jumper to wear.
Toby walked over to the kitchen area and Paige came up to him.
'God, Toby! Don't you think Happy's had a lot more than just torture? She was saying rap...what do our think that ends with?! Rhapsody? Rape! She has clearly had her ass grabbed by Collins one to many times, just look at those marks on her neck! Just look at her! She needs a lot more than a cheese and ham sandwich right now, so get your ass in gear and get over there and comfort her!' Paige scolded and Toby hustled over to Happy.

He placed an arm around her and Happy shivered a little.
'Are you cold?' Toby asked.
'No.' Happy said.
'Here, eat this.' Toby said.
'I'm not really hungry right now.' Happy said.
'Right...Happy, what happened with Collins?' Toby asked, getting a 'too IQ genius-y insensitive', so he said something else, 'I don't mean to pry or be insensitive but I really love you Happy and I want to know.'
Paige smiled at Toby and he nodded at her, looking back at Happy.
'I...don't really want to talk about it.' Happy said.
'Oh, okay. I'm sorry.' Toby said.
'It's fine, I-I just don't wanna talk about it. Can I be alone now please?' Happy said, laying on the couch.
'Uh, o-okay, well, I'll be over there if you need me.' Toby said and Happy closed her eyes, drifting to sleep.

Toby watched as Happy jostled and turned while she was sleeping, muttering to herself,
'Stop it...' over and over again.
Toby walked over to her and
sat her up and Happy opened her eyes.
'Happy?' Toby asked, sitting her up, her eyes opening.
'Doc...' Happy whimpered and buried her face in his chest, tears streaming down her face, 'It was awful, the first time it was in the hot tub, I felt peaceful there and he came and he stripped me, I felt powerless as he had beat me. H...He would come into my room every morning to have sex with me. I'm so sorry, I could have done something.' Happy said.
'No, you couldn't have. He beat you! You would have died if you had resisted...' Toby told her, 'It's okay now. We should go for the pregnancy test the doctors have scheduled, just in case.'
Happy nodded, 'I don't need to check if I am pregnant, I know I am.'
Happy lifted her shirt to reveal the slight baby bump that was growing on her stomach.
'I don't want to have Collins' baby.' Happy said.
'It is NOT Collins' baby, it's your baby. What you and Collins did was not love, it was far from it. What we have,' Toby held Happy's hand, 'That's love. And it is your baby not Collins'. Our baby. I will love our baby like it came from me.'
'Ok...' Happy said, 'We should still go though, to make sure it's okay.'
'Sure, do you want to stay here?' Toby asked.
'No, can I go to your place?' Happy asked.
'Yeah, lets go. See ya Paige!' Toby said.

When the two got to Toby's place, they sat down on his bed together, eating ice cream. Toby watched as Happy contently eat the ice cream and kissed her forehead and she shivered a little.
'Sorry, I forgot that your experience makes you a little sexually shy.' Toby said.
'Shy? Well, I know I do want to have sex with you.' Happy said, placing her hands on his, 'Just...can I be in charge?'
'Of course, if it makes you feel better.' Toby said.

Happy slowly lifted Toby's shirt from his body, dropping it on the floor. She made him pull of his pyjama bottoms and she removed her own shirt. She kept kissing between everything she did, grabbing his face.
She pulled down his boxers and her panties.
Toby kissed her lips, his hands trailing to her back, he unclipped her bra strap.
As he caressed her breasts, Happy moaned softly.

She thought she was okay until she was back inside Collins' torture house, she was in the hot tub, the first day she got kidnapped and Collins took her innocence.

'Stop...' Happy muttered, Toby didn't hear her and kept sucking her chest,
'Stop!' She shouted and pushed Toby off of her.
'I'm sorry.' Toby said.
'No, it's me. There is something wrong with me, I'm sorry.' Happy said, covering herself with the duvet, eating more ice cream.
'Happy,' Toby said, 'Happy...look at me!' He said, holding her arms, 'Nothing is wrong with you, you are simply having Deja Vu from your trauma with Collins.'
Happy laid her head on Toby's shoulder and sighed, this whole fiasco was ruining the thing she loved more than anything, Toby.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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