I've DESTROYED you...Ms Quinn.

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Happy woke up in her room, she was clothed and cleaned up. Happy looked in the mirror at her cuts and bruises, then sighed and brushed her hair. She only had a few things, only the stuff she had with her that night.
'Shiny...Happy people, holding hands. Shiny, Happy people, shiny happy people.' She muttered to herself and lay in bed.

She was dreaming about the hot tub, how Mark smashed her thoughts of happiness with one action.
She closed her eyes and fell asleep...

Mark walked in the room, the carpet floor allowing him to go unnoticed.
He had no underwear or trousers on...just a shirt and jumped onto Happy, pushing up her dress and pulling down her panties.

Happy woke up, confused and angry, 'What are you doing?'
'Shh. Just be quiet, Quinn.' Mark said.
'What the hell, Collins!' Happy shouted, she felt weak and feeble, she didn't like feeling like this, she couldn't move with Mark's fat ass on her.
'Stop it!' Happy shouted.
But Mark didn't stopped and before she knew it, their bodies were inside each other's.

Happy Or Not Happy? | QuintisWhere stories live. Discover now