Your MINE now...Ms Quinn.

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Happy was kept inside Collins house...

'Here,' Mark said, handing her a bowl of cereal,
'A bowl of cereal? For dinner?' Happy asked.
'Eat or starve, your choice.' Mark said.

Happy didn't say anything else and ate a spoon of cereal, 'So, you son of a bitch. When am I free?'
'No. listen to me.' Mark said, drawing a chair up next to her and turning it back to front then sitting down and pointing a gun on her head, 'Your going to eat your food then in the morning, you can take a shower in the hot tub, outside. Affirmative?'
'Affirmative, you bastard.' Happy said.
'What was that?' Collins asked, cocking the gun.

'Affirmative.' Happy said again.
'That's better! Now, Happy may be a angry and aggressive little girl but Mark knows how to control her, doesn't he?' He said, then hit her over the head with the gun, blacking her out.


Happy screamed as Collins woke her up with a kitchen knife, brutally slashing it at her legs.
'Stop it!' Happy yelled and Collins got the bat he had and started beating her with it.

'Now go to the hot tub!' Collins shouted and dropped the bat next to Happy who was crumpled into a ball, in anger.
Happy was still tough and she wasn't crying, she had gotten beaten many times but she wouldn't let Collins see her.
She was angry that she was getting treated like this, Where was Scorpion already?

Happy opened the curtain and opened the window paned doors then went onto he patio, where the hot tub was. Happy winced at the sun that was shining.
'God damn it.' She muttered to herself and took the bottom of her dress and dragged it over her head, leaving her in her black lacy bra and matching underwear.

Happy dipped her foot inside the hot tub, it had been on all morning, Collins had obviously turned it on for them. She was going to murder than bastard when she was freed...
She bathed inside the water, sighing at the relaxing heat of the water.
She closed her eyes and imagined Toby with the other Scorpions, cracking their brains, open trying to find her.

Mark turned the bubbles off, disconnecting Happy from her thoughts and hopping inside the tub.
''s you.' Happy said.
'Yes, hello Ms. Quinn.' Mark said.
'Where did you get this house?' Happy asked.
'Rented in I borrowed it for free. Meaning, I stole it.' Collins said.
'Right...' Happy whispered.

'You know, Happy. This doesn't have to be scary. You are a very...beautiful woman.' Collins said, coming up to Happy slowly.
'Uh...Thanks I guess.' Happy said, turning around to get out but Collins grabbed her shoulder, pulling her back in.
Collins held her shoulders, felling at the bra straps, massaging her shoulders, his fingers digging into her bones. He turned her to face him.
'Collins, stop it!' Happy shouted, stepping on his foot, trying to leave but getting pulled back by Mark.
'We can do this the easy way or the hard way.' Mark said, kissing her shoulders.

Happy was already feeling weak from Mark's beating earlier, did he really have to do this?
'Oh Collins! You son a bitch.' She said and he held her in place from fidgeting.
'Collins...please!' Happy yelled, she had never gone far with Toby and was still a virgin...

She didn't want Mark to be her first.

'Just relax, relax...don't fight it.' Mark said, holding her tight still, preventing her from escaping.
'Just stop it!' Happy shouted and Mark shushed her, pulling his boxers down and her pants down her legs, she shivered as he did this.
He trailed his hands down her back.
'Just shut up, Quinn. Unless you want to be killed.' Mark said.
'Collins...' Happy tried to plead but he slid inside her and Happy groaned, trying to escape while bearing the pain and held on to the edge trying to leave but Collins yanked her by the hair, pulling her forcefully to him so she co-operated. Hitting the back of her walls so easily, Happy grunting in pain still. Collins just gave grunts of joy and pleasure, 'We're gonna have fun, mechanic. Just think of me as a machine, huh?' He said.

She didn't want to this of him as a machine, that would ruin machines for her.
He pushed into her at a fast speed, Happy's hands were still scrambling to escape but Collins wouldn't let her, he kept pushing into her, tears pricking her eyes.
Mark just kept thrusting inside her, jogging her small sized body as he did, holding her head down forcefully. 'I'll go easy.' Collins said but he was lying. Each thrust was torture to Happy,   the pain had passed but she just grimaced. She felt that Collins had came inside her and moaned a little at the feel.
She had to keep wincing in pain every time Collins pulled her hair to keep inside of her small body, pounding into her every time. She didn't want this but she couldn't help but moan at the pleasure it was giving her.

Collins undid Happy's bra strap, letting it fall into the water and starting kissing her breasts, caressing them, sucking on them hardly. Happy scrunched her nose in disgust but she let a moan slip from her mouth.

'Don't I pleasure you? You can't tell me this doesn't arouse you in any way?' Mark asked.
'It doesn't.' Happy said, regretting it.

Mark picked her up by the hair in anger and dragged her into the house.
'You little worthless cunt!' He yelled and he grabbed the bat that was on the floor, 'Get on all fours!'
Happy did as he said, blinking back tears and got on her hands and feet.

Collins swung the bat down onto her ass, spanking her with the bat.
'Collins!' Happy shouted, 'Stop!! Stop it!'
He kept hitting her, again and again until blood started coming out of her.
'What the hell is wrong with you!' She shouted.

'Maybe that will teach you, Ms Quinn.' He said and left her on the floor, crying into her hands.

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