Some days I wish I didn't know
A clock clucks impatiently
Over my shoulder, face hidden behind hands.
He's a slick angel who promises
To make me aware,
More frugal, more comfortable
Checking my pulse.
But since we shook palms,
I've forgotten to laugh.
Instead, I saunter
Like a sloth,
Along sidewalks and byways.
Now I'd rather
Save my energy and memories
For the perfect moment to relish.
Tonight I found the sweets
I tucked in a sealed jar long ago.
Even through the crack along its side
I have no clue what flavor they are.
Part of me hopes for cinnamon,
To feel a bite in my throat
To prove I'm awake.
Perhaps, if I'm lucky,
They're bubblegum, and I'll finally remember
The breaths I wasted in fantastic
Delirium, back when I didn't know
Night until I realized there was no sun.
Just five more minutes,
Or a thousand hundred seconds
Before I'll reach in the jar.
Enough time to see if I feel pain, or if I'll shudder,
Or if I'll consider what might happen,
If I'll regret reaching back.
Perhaps there are days better left fed to a clock,
But perhaps there are times
When being a little paranoid
But alive
Is better than feeling a ravenous hunger,
Just so I'll try swallowing a little more sun.
Blood As My Ink
PoetryEmotions, beliefs, dreams, and imagination run through the body. Like ink they flow through the vein and, every now and then, it decides to run out.