So many feelings (part 2/2)

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Arizona's pov
What happened last night was awkward . I just kissed her out of nowhere and now she's probably scared of me because I'm confusing her by saying that I care about her but also that I need space and then I kissed her. I'm driving to work and I'm nervous about what I'm going to say to Amelia if I see her. I parked the car and on my way into the hospital I ran into Bailey who was also on her way to work.
"What an amazing day. My first surgery since the heartattack and then I get to do paperworks but I'm not so happy about that last part. But it's my first surgery since the -" Bailey kept talking as we were both on our way to the attendings' lounge. "Enough about me. Any exciting news? how was your day last night?" Bailey seemed too excited. I'm happy for her that she's back to work but I'm just not sure if she is well enough yet to come back to work. "I kissed Amelia" it came out of my mouth in a wrong way.
"Why? What? Are you dating?" Bailey looked confused so I explained what had happened
"If you really care about her you should go for it. We only have one life and life is too short to not do anything."
"I know I just feel scared and I hate to say it but I miss Callie"
"Arizona, I understand that you miss her but she is getting married and you feel this way because she is getting married to another woman than you"
"Ask Amelia on a date. But no kissing okay? it's just weird and too soon"
"Okay I'll ask her out then. Thanks Bailey" I hugged her
"Now let's dress and go do surgery" Bailey was extremely excited about her surgery
"Right" I sighed and we changed our clothes and walked out of the room.
"Oh hi Amelia" I stepped into the elevator but we were not alone. Bailey was there too of course and a few other doctors.
"I'm sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have done that. Do you think you can forgive me?" I asked Amelia
"No because" Amelia stopped midsentence because the other doctors kept staring at us and Amelia didn't want the others to hear it
"Okay then I should leave" I sighed as the elevator opened and I had to go out. I stood for a while and was about to cry or scream because I was angry at myself for behaving like that. I wanted so badly to get over Callie and yet it seemed like it stopped me from doing what I wanted. The elevator closed but opened again fast. "Of course I'll forgive you" Amelia stepped out and held my hand
"Really? " I asked her carefully
"Yes but not until you're ready. I'm here when you've had your space" Amelia gave a shy smile
"I don't need space because I know what I want. I want you. I want a date or more with you"
"I would love that" A huge smile spread across Amelia's face
"Great" Arizona grinned
"I'm free after 7 "
"I'm free at 8 so let's meet at the usual bar that's the only thing this is opened by that time"
"It's a great idea. I'm looking forward to it but I need to go to surgery now." She said and went away
"Bye" I was so happy.
After two surgeries and a lot of patient controls I was finally free. I rushed down to the attendings' lounge and took on my clothes and then I rushed out to my car and drove to Joe's.
"Hi" Amelia smiled as I entered the bar
"You look great. " I complimented her
"You too thanks. " Amelia smiled and we talked for a long time with a lot of laughing.
"They're staring" Amelia said shy
"Who?" I asked
"The interns" She looked over at them and so did I and they stared a lot but I don't really carw about that.
"And so?" I asked
"Because then I can't kiss you?" She said with a shy smile
"It's not that I'm embarressed I'm just shy I've never done this before"
"I understand" .
"Sorry I really want to" She looked sad
"Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes" I told her and went out to the toilet.
"What's the plan?" Amelia teased as she came out later
"I'm going to kiss you"I kissed her gently and she kissed me back and took her arm around my hip to get closer to me and started to take off her shirt and I kissed her and then we made out .
It was amazing and I didn't want it to stop but we had locked the door and people kept knocking on the door so we had to stop. We went out from the toilet and I wanted so badly to kiss her again so I looked into her beautiful eyes and leaned towards her and I kissed her.
"This was really great" she smiled
"We should do it again"
"Totally and who cares about the interns because I really like you and I want the world to know that "
"I really like you too. And I'm ready. You want to come with me home" it came out of my mouth and it was a really weird thing to say but I just really like her
"My daughter Sofia is there so it's messy and DeLuca haven't moved out yet so it's really messy"
"I don't care about that. I just want you. And there are three kids, Mer and Maggie at my place so I'm used to mess" She grinned
"Allright them" I grinned and we went home. She slept next to me because Deluca had fallen asleep on the couch. We snuggled and kissed and then we fell asleep.
I woke up early I had a bad sleep which is weird because last night was amazing so I took on my prostethic leg and took on a sweater and pants and went downstairs to make breakfast.
"Amelia!" Sofia yelled from upstairs so Amelia must have woken up. They both came down the stairs laughing Sofia was telling something funny to Amelia.
"You two want pancakes?" I asked
"Yes" Sofia got a big fat smile on her face
"Sounds delicious" Amelia smiled and we ate the pancakes
"Thanks for the pancakes mommy I need to go pack my stuffs before I go visit Zola" Sofia went upstairs. "You're welcome. We leave in twenty minutes" I said
"She's adorable and funny. She reminds me of you. Only I really care about you like a lot" She smiled
"The feeling is mutual" I grinned and after twenty minutes we all got in the car and we dropped off Sofia at Zola and then we went to work.

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