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April and Miranda stood eating chips in the attendings' lounge as Arizona and Amelia came into the room and wanted to tell everyone in the hospital that Arizona was pregnant.

"That's amazing" Miranda and April almost jumped up and down as Arizona and Amelia told them that Arizona was pregnant.
"We're so happy but we still need to tell everyone else so it's going to be a long day" Amelia grinned.
"Can you operate then?" Miranda asked Arizona because they were treating a woman who was pregnant but had a gallstone while pregnant and they needed to remove the gallstone because she had harsh symptoms and  her baby needed surgery too but the she was only a few months pregnant so they wanted to wait with the operation.
"Probably but I called addison to assist if anything should happen." Arizona explained.
"Okay but how does he look like is he cute?" Mirands asked curiously.
"He's got blond hair and green eyes and he's an artist" Arizona explained.
"We're only one months ahead so noone knows what's gonna happen, but we hope for the best" Amelia said and Arizona nodded along
"What, don't kill the mood you're pregnant and that's amazing there's no need to worry and Arizona is probably the best to know when something is very wrong with the baby" Miranda cheered Arizona and Amelia up
"I can't wait to see you all glowy and pregnant" April grinned and hugged Arizona and Amelia tightly.

Later, Arizona had an emergent surgery so they didn't tell everyone at the hospital about Arizona's pregnancy. Amelia went home then but she didn't like leaving Arizona alone but she kind of had to be alone because Amelia hadn't felt good for a while so she decided to go home and call Addison because she was her best and oldest friend so she really needed to talk to her about an issue.

Amelia had been confused lately and been scared about her tumor coming back. Addison didn't answer her phone so Amelia had to wait talking to her. Amelia decided then to clean the house as she didn't have anything to do other than being scared, so scared that she almost has an anxiety attack. and then she decided to listen to music, so she thought of something else. Amelia wanted very badly to tell Arizona but she was scared.

She had made dinner for Arizona as she came home and DeLuca wasn'tthere since he was too busy.

"We need another place - without DeLuca living here" Arizona said as they sat in the couch watching a random movie and eating chips.
"I guess so but we can't just push DeLuca out, he don't have anywhere to live" Amelia mumbled as she ate chips.
"I care about DeLuca but he's loud and messy and he comes home at two in thenight because he's a resident and he's terrible at cooking. And he probably doesn't think it's any fun with a crying baby in the house or a baby who poops all the time and needs us all the time" Arizona said
"Hey, it's going to be okay Zona. We're having a baby and there's eight months until then. Don't stress. We will find a place to live if it makes you more relaxed." Amelia hugged Arizona and calmed her down and rubbed her back and gave Arizona a big and intense kiss and Arizona laughed a bit because she knew that it was too early to be nervous. Amelia wanted to do everything for her wife because she loved her so much.

The day after Amelia had lunch plans with Addison, who had dropped all her plans as she knew that her friend needed her that badly.

"So what did you want to tell me?" Addison asked as they sat at the cafe.
"I'm scared that the tumor is back" Amelia sighed "I've been really confused lately" Amelia explained
"Have you talked to Korasick?" Addison asked carefully as she didn't really know what to say because she wanted to Amelia but also to support her.
"No, I'm too scared to know the result" Amelia sighed.
"If it's a tumor it'll only get worse" Addison said.
"I know but can you dial the number for me?" Amelia sighed and gave Addison the phone. After Addison had made the call she gave Amelia the phone and she explained Korasick what had happened.
"Thank you" Amelia hugged Addison after she had made the call.
"Now you make another call to Arizona and tell her" Addison told Amelia who was clearly in shock because she had just started to care about the tumor and Amelia nodded along.
"I can do that myself, thank you addy" Amelia smiled a bit and sniffled. She then hugged Addison goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2020 ⏰

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