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"Robbins, your wife is looking for you" A nurse came into the OR where Arizona was operating.

"Why?" Arizona asked while she operated on her patient, trying to concentrate.
"She says it's emergent, she lost her patient she haven't stopped crying since the surgery ended fifteen minutes ago." The nurse told.
"I'm done very soon, DeLuca can you close?" Arizona asked DeLuca who was on her service that day and then he took over and closed the patient.

"What's wrong?" Arizona asked as she ran into the nap room where Amelia was sitting up against the wall, sobbing with her head covered by her hands.
"I lost a baby." Amelia stuttered as she cried.
"You operated on a baby?" Arizona asked carefully
"No on a pregnant woman, she had an anuarysm but she went in to labour so I paged OB and he died. She screamed and I just stood there trying to calm her down but I couldn't because it reminded me of when I lost a child" Amelia broke down and Arizona sat down on the floor next to her and held her tight.

"Oh it's the anniversary today, right.I'm an idiot. I'm sorry" Arizona cuddled Amelia's back

"No you're not an idiot. You are perfect. You lost a baby too so you know be better than anyone and I thought about having a baby but I'm just not ready" Amelia sighed

"It's okay. Whenever you're ready we'll have a baby" Arizona calmed Amelia down because she knew how scared Amelia was of losing another baby.

Amezona one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now