II | Welcome To Hell ft. Aizawa the Spirit Animal

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Song: Green Ghost

Where are they!? I can't go to school without them!

Corey threw her and her brother's things, looking for her desired item. Carter was getting impatient.

"Corey, hurry up!" he shouted.

She moved Colin's sweater and found her bag of colourful Reminders.

"Coming!" She stuffed them into her bag and adjusted her glasses.

Percy, Carter, and Colin were waiting for her at door. Once Corey joined them, they bid farewell to their father (who was serving breakfast to Luke and Merylin) and headed to school.

They took the same route as they did to get to the exams, but this time it felt so much quicker. Percy made it into the third year hero class, Colin made it into 1-B and Corey and Carter made it into 1-A. The triplets waved goodbye to their older brother as he headed to the 3-A classroom. Colin went into his, and Corey and Carter speed-walked to theirs down the hall.

As the door to the classroom slowly came into view, they realized that there were students talking to each other right outside. Corey and Carter (Well mostly Corey) approached them, having stopped their speedwalking. But they noticed them anyways. The students were the ones that Corey had helped in the Entrance Exam: the girl with rosy cheeks and brown hair and the boy with freckles and green hair.

"Hey, it's you!" the girl said. "Thanks for saving at the entrance exam! I'm Ochako Uraraka!"

"Uh..." she was startled by the girl's happy attitude. "Y-you're welcome! I'm Corey Hamilton..." She mentally slapped herself at how she stuttered.

This social anxiety is gonna be the death of me...

"Oh! And who's this?" Ochako asked, glancing at Carter.

"I'm Carter. I'm one of Corey's triplet brothers," he said bluntly. "The other's in 1-B."

"Whoa triplets?" said another voice.

The boy with curly green hair finally spoke up. He made eye contact with Corey and slightly flushed. She glanced at his hands and saw a green reminder on his finger, right where she placed it on him.

"Do you have the same or similar quirks?" he asked them.

"Well-" Carter started before he got interrupted by another voice.

"If you're here to socialize, then get out."

On the floor, in a yellow sleeping bag, was a shaggy looking man.

"This is the hero course," he said, taking a sip out of his juice pouch.

What a fucking mood.

He managed to stand up and get out of the bag as Carter, Uraraka, and Corey slipped into the classroom.

"It took eight seconds for you to quiet down," he said. "Time is a precious resource. You lot aren't very rational, are you?"

The class stood in awkward silence.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Shouta Aizawa. Pleased to meet you," he continued.

The teacher rustled through his sleeping bag and pulled out a blue and white uniform.

"Quickly now," he said, tossing it to the freckled boy. "Change into gym clothes and head out to the grounds."

Everyone left their things in the classroom, with the exception of Corey, who brought her bag of Reminders, in case Mr Aizawa told them something she needed to remember. She changed in the girl's locker room with the other girls, leaving her stuff in it. She grabbed a small handful of Reminders and on our way to the grounds, made them into medium-sized single chain bracelet, wrapping it around her wrist until it was secure.


Corey turned around and saw Ochako running toward her. She stopped and waited for her.

"Isn't this exciting!" Uraraka said as they walked to the grounds together. "I wonder what we'll be doing?"

Corey merely nodded in agreement, still not comfortable around everyone.

Everyone in the class met up with Mr Aizawa on the field and he told them what they were doing.

"A test... of our Quirks!?" everyone said in shock.

"What about the entrance ceremony!?" Ochako asked. "Or guidance sessions!?"

"No time to waste on that stuff if you want to become heroes," Mr Aizawa said. "Yuuei is known for its 'Freestyle' educational system. That applies to us teachers as well. Softball throwing, the standing long jump, the 50-meter dash, endurance running, grip strength, side-to-side stepping, upper-body training, seated toe touch. You did all of these in middle school, yes? Your standard no-Quirks-allowed gym tests. This country still insists on prohibiting Quirks when calculating the averages of those records. It's not rational. The department of education is just procrastinating.


A boy with piercing red eyes and ash blonde hair perked up, mildly intrigued at why the teacher called his name.

"How far could you throw in middle school?" Aizawa asked him.

"Sixty-seven meters."

"Great. Now try it with your Quirk," Mr Aizawa said as Bakugou stepped into a circle. "Do whatever you need to. Just don't leave the circle."

Mr Aizawa tossed him a softball.

"Give it all you got."


Bakugou swung his arm up and threw the ball, making a big explosion and sending the ball soaring into the air.

"DIE!!" he yelled.

Why the fuck would he yell die...?

"It's important to know your limits," Mr Aizawa said, looking at a small phone-like device in his hand. "That's the first rational step to figuring out what kind of heroes you'll be."

He showed the students how far Bakugou threw the ball: a whopping 705.2 meters.

"Whoa," Corey said in amazement.

Other students responded with similar answers like her.

"Awesome... you say," Mr Aizawa said, looming over all of them. "You're hoping to become heroes after three years here... And you think it'll be all fun and games? Right. The one with the lowest score across all eight events will be judged hopeless... and will be expelled."

Corey's hands began to sweat. She wasn't the most athletic person in middle school, barely getting by with a B in the class and having 12 minute mile times.

I'm going to get expelled...

"Your fates are in our hands," Mr Aizawa said, moving the hair out of his face. "Welcome. This is the hero course of Yuuei High!"

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