XXIV | Is This What A Happy Family Is Like??

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Song: Fushia Ruler


The training floor was similar to that of a usual gym. There were work out machines, punching bags, and even a boxing ring in the centre. Since it was on the second floor, the windows held views of the buildings surrounding them and the bright midday sunlight. Corey stared at the giant room in awe.

"Pretty sweet, huh?" Ivy said, noting the look on her face. "We share this room with Ervin's agency so we go in and out."

Roxy and Nashiro were in their Hero Costumes (Like Corey, Colin, Ivy, and Sai) and stood in the Boxing Ring, currently sparring. While Carter and Kylian sat in some chairs in a corner, Ivy and Corey entered one of the small training rooms while Sai and Colin entered another one. It had the atmosphere of a dance room, with the giant wall mirror on one side, a disco ball, and a table holding a stereo in the corner.

"Okay, from what I saw from the Sports Festival, is that you can now teleport?" Ivy questioned her intern.

"I blame your brother for this." She pointed to the ears atop her head.

"Well, we are here to help you train those newfound powers!" She bounced over to the stereo, brown bangs bopping with her. She hit the play button and 80's Workout music started flowing out. Corey let out an exasperated sigh.

"So, Concha," Ivy said in a serious tone, which surprised both her. "You can teleport yourself, but can you teleport things?"

"Uh... I don't know..."

"Well try right now! Think of an item from your room."

Corey closed her eyes and imagined her and brothers' room at home, seeing her desired item laying against the dresser. She outstretched her arm in front of her.

"Now concentrate on teleporting that item to here," she heard Ivy's voice say on her face, feeling two (2) hands on her shoulders.

In an instant, she heard a zap and a cheer from Ivy. She opened her eyes and saw her flute case there on the floor in front of them.

"MY BABY!" Corey screamed then ran to hug the case close to her.

"Good job, Corey!" Ivy congratulated.

"Thanks, Mum," she said with a smile. "I will play you later!" She set the case on the table next to the stereo.

The next fifteen (15) minutes were spent making Corey teleporting herself, Ivy, and items around the room. On the downside, they couldn't hear the chaos that was going on outside until Roxy burst into the room.

"GIVE ME MY NUGGETS I BEAT NASHIRO!" Her hair, face, and clothes had burn marks with bits of leaves.

A second later, Nashiro appeared next to her in the same condition and shoved her to the side.



The two (2) started to bicker like toddlers until a red powered smoke floated around them. They fell to the floor asleep.

"You two (2) really need to learn sportsmanship."

Sai and Colin stood behind them, the red poppies in Sai's hair slowly started to close. Corey stared at her in awe.

"You are so cool," she muttered.

Kylian and Ivy each carried an asleep child into one of the break rooms as Carter, Colin, and Corey followed behind. The Workout room was partly destroyed, with remnants of plants and fire on almost everything in the room.

"I'll fix that later." Ivy had told them.

In the break room, Ervin was sitting next to the mini fridge drinking from an apple juice box. He nodded in their direction as they all entered.

"Hey, where the hell have you been!?" Ivy shouted at him, plopping Nashiro in an empty chair. "We've got new interns and you've been gone doing who knows what!"

"Well, I'm here now," he answered. "And it's none of your business where I've been. Oh, hi, Concha. You too, Taco Bell and Col."

He had finally noticed the triplets, who had followed behind Kylian as he gently plopped Roxy in the chair next to Nashiro. They waved him a 'hello' and in their own chairs, then were handed each a box of Ten McNuggets and a drink by him.

"I bribed slash flirted with the man behind the counter to get you your HIC Fruit Punch, Concha."

"You are a blessing, my dude," she replied as she took a sip from her holy water.

About five (5) minutes passed before Sai woke the two (2) sleeping teens. They started bickering again until Ervin and Ivy each passed them a box of nuggets. Ten (10) more minutes passed before Paisley, John, Cece, and, to Corey's surprise, Adair, Tristan and Braydon entered the room.

"Braydon! Adair! Tristan! Friends!" Corey ran and engulfed her friends.

"Bitch, what am I? A roach?" John said.

"Bitch, I saw you earlier, I haven't seen these guys in forever."

"We saw you last summer," Adair replied.

"Yeah, don't remind me."

"Yo, Lemon, stop being edgy." Tristan slapped him on his arm.

"I picked up my sister and her cousins after I did my thing and we got Mickey D's," Ervin said, plopping a nugget in a barbeque sauce and into his mouth.

"Wait... You said 'cousins...' Does that mean...?" Corey started to panic.

Outside the door, they heard the beginning of 'All Star' start to play before the door was kicked open.



The brown haired sister of the sour boy strutted in with her speaker blasting 'All Star,' stealing one of Braydon's nuggets.

The evening was filled with hilarious anecdotes, a flute and oboe duet from Corey and Tristan, and some misadventures of the Pros. They were almost like a happy family. If a happy family were full of seemingly insane people.

Around 10:30 or so, they were instructed by Sai and Kylian that they all should go to bed. They were like parents to a bunch of five-year-olds. Kylian had set up rooms on the third floor for the interns to spend the night in. They were pretty small, only being able holding one or two people in it. Even though they weren't technically interns, Adair, Braydon, and Arrow spent the night at the Agency (Because Ervin was too lazy to drive them home). Corey, Tristan, and John bunked together, likewise with Carter and Braydon, Adair and Cece, Arrow and Roxy, and Nashiro and Colin.

They needed to be rested for tomorrow...

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