Dinner With the Hollands

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Daniel P.O.V 

After we got out the shower and had got dressed Tom took me downstairs into the lounge room to wait for his family to make our dinner. I stood up to go help but I felt Toms hands wrap around my waist and pull me back down.
"No your staying here, your job right now is to keep me warm and don't worry in the future mum will have you helping." As he says this he gives me a kiss on top of my head.

"Thank you thank you so much for letting me be able to stay here with your family because I honestly have no clue what I would have been able to do."

"Tom Daniel dinners ready." Nikki called for us from the over room, I stood up and pulled Tom up with me and gave him one last kiss. Nikki had made an amazing roast with help from Paddy and Harry why Sam set up the table and Dom did the dishes. At the table Nikki sat at the head with Paddy to her left and me too her right, I sat next to Tom obviously and Dom at the other head and Sam sat to his right and harry in between Sam and Paddy. For most of the night Tom, Harry, Sam and Dom talked about different things, they mainly where telling Tom about their game of golf. While Nikki was asking me about my life and what I like to do and Paddy asked me questions every now and then about ether my drawing or life in Australia. It was nice to sit with them and talk about things like it was a normal family, don't get me wrong I am nervous as hell at the moment but my family never really spoke about or day well me and mum did but our dinners where always silent. Half way for eating I turned and caught Tom smiling at me and I smiled back then Harry asked me.

"So, did div over here really poor his tea all over you when he met you." I laugh because of how bright red he went it was adorable.

"Yes, he didn't look where he was going in his own little world and now I have one less white shirt."

"What happen when you become a movie star." The way Dom said it made everyone laugh and the fact Tom got angry made it even funnier. When we finished our dinner, I started staking some plates but was told off by Nikki and Tom ended up taking them in the kitchen. Nikki also did a desert but as it was too cold for ice-cream we had fruit salad with clotted cream. After we finished that Harry and Sam went and did the dishes while Paddy helped with putting them away and me and Tom were at the table with Nikki and Dom. Dom was being nice and asking me questions about my school and everything and what I plan to do.

"Well I have finished all my school exams and now I wait for my ATAR score then I can go to a university but before all that I have to go to our school ball which I think is like prom in England and after that we have our graduation ceremony so I have all that to go to oh and awards night so December will be a busy month for me."

"Oh yes so definitely a busy time in the future for you then." He smiled at me and got up from the table and walked into the kitchen.

"Do you plan to go to an art school Daniel." Nikki asked

"Yeah that's if I get accepted into one because ATAR don't help with art schools but I am also getting back into fashion design so I will see how that goes." She smiled at me and got up from the table to sit in the lounge room and Tom took my hand leading me up to his room with Tessa following us. When we got in to his room I closed the door and turned around but Tom pushed me up against the door and smashed his lips against mine.

"You don't know how much I have been wanting to do that tonight." I smile and him and he begins to kiss me again as he does it gets heated and I put my hand under his shirt and can feel his hard abs and the way there moving. As he is kissing me he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist and he carries me to the bed. When he lies me down he starts kissing my neck then out of nowhere I feel a tongue liking the said of my face and yelp and see Tessa there waging he tail as she licks my check. Tom looks at what's happen and laugh picking up Tessa and giving her a kiss.

"What is my baby darling jealous." I laugh as I realise something

"Do you call me and your dog both darling." He looks at me and I glare at him as if I'm angry but I cant help myself I lose it laughing seeing how scared he gets. "Don't worry I don't care, now come here." As he comes close I pull him by his shirt into bed and we just lay there kissing and hugging. When we go decided to go to bed I go and go my teeth and say goodnight to all the Hollands with Tom and then go to bed with Tom with my head on his chest as per usual but this time we fall asleep with Tessa in between our legs.

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