The After Party

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Daniel P.O.V 

We got the part like ten minutes after we left, during the drive over their Tom, Haz and I couldn't stop talking about how good the movie was. I honestly thought Tom did an amazing job and he looked amazing as Spider-man. When we got their Tom helped me get out the car and Haz got out on the other side.

"Before we go in if there is anything that makes you uncomfortable and you wanna leave just squeeze my hand twice so I know"

"Okay I will." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and we walked into the venue. I honestly felt so out of place everyone looked gorgeous and the place was decorated so sleek and fancy. I honestly gasped as I looked around it was so stunning and it was so weird being at a party with all these famous people when 2 months ago not even a quarter of the people in my school new my name and now I am at after party with my boyfriend Tom Holland surrounded by people from Marvel like what the actual hell is happening.

I immediately saw Robert come over and said hello to Tom again I smiled at Tom and let him walk off to mingle with the cast while I went and grabbed myself a drink and started to walk and try to at least mingle with a few people. Talked to a few different people about some interesting thing. The weirdest thing that happened was someone congratulated me about coming out with Tom I simply smiled in reply and said thank you.

As I walked around I noticed this same guy following me with dark hair, green eyes and tanned skin. Well at least that what I thought until I noticed he just disappeared but that still didn't stop the weird vibes I was getting.

I got pretty hot so I decided to step outside of the venue to get some fresh air. I was on this balcony leaning over the rails with my drink I'm my hands looking out over the city. Good it was beautiful the way the lights in the city keeping the dark night at bay. I got my phone from my pocket making a mental not to draw it later.

As I slipped my phone back into my pocket I heard the door open I turned expecting to see Haz or Tom but the hairs on my neck stood up as I realised it was that guy who I thought has been following me he smiled and me so I returned it. I then turned back to the city and we stood in an awkward silence for a while.

"Enjoying yourself?" He was definitely American but where from I had no clue but he had a deep voice like I expected.

"Uh yeah first time to something like this but it really nice." I didn't want to ask him how he was finding because I wanted this conversation to end. We stood in an awkward silence again as his deep green eyes studied me and I grew increasingly more uncomfortable.

"My names mike by the way." I smiled and nodded

"I'm Daniel."

"You're from Australia, right?"

"Uh yeah, accent?" he nodded and me and I went to go leave but he stepped in front of me.

"Where are you going."

"Back to the party." Now I was getting really creeped out. "Can you please step aside so I can leave." He grabbed hold of my arms and looked into my eyes and I felt so weird.

"Your beautiful you know that, this is weird but I followed you since the red carpet and your eyes are so stunning." I kinda just stared at him I had no clue what to do so I just wriggled out of his grip and prayed someone would save me and that's when Tom stepped through the doors and a smile flooded my lips.

"There you are love I have been looking for you everywhere, oh who's this?"

"I'm Mike its good to finally meet the new Spiderman."

"Pleasures all mine." I quickly walked over to Tom and held his hand squeezing it twice so he knew what was going on.

"Ohh are you too a thing."

"Yeah sorry mate, anyway look me and Daniel really need to get back to the party see you around." We quickly left leaving Mike out on the balcony. "Are you okay darling?"

"Yeah, he just gave me the creeps and he said he has been following me since the rep carpet, do you know who he is?'

"Seriously that weird I thought it was obvious that we where dating and know I don't know he is."

"Huh weird."

"Yeah well just in case maybe I should make it more obvious." He quickly leaned in and gave me a kiss and I kissed him back not really caring. After that we walked around for a bit and Tom and Chris started having a chat and the all the sudden Elizabeth came up to me.

"Hey how your finding your first event?" I kinda stared at her for a while.

"Im like really confused and feel like is shouldn't be here cause people like you are talking to me which is so weird."

"Don't think that but I can see how it would be weird anyway come here we should get a photo." I was gobbed smacked as she pulled out her phone and took and photo whit me. "Naw that's cute definitely going to post that, you better like it."

"Of course, I will." She hugged me she walked off to talk to other people. I spent the rest of the night at Toms side and luckily saw no more Mike.

We headed back to our hotel at like 1:00am and I was tired as hell. When we got back Haz had a shower and went straight to sleep while me and Tom had a short one together before we crawled into bed. I lied down in my usual spot with Toms arms wrapped around my and my head on his chest.

"I'm proud of you Spidey."

"I'm proud of you too darling you did great on the red carpet and at the party and you didn't embarrass anyone."

"Thank you, but seriously you played such a good spider-man."

"Thank you mean a lot coming from you." I sat up and gave him a quick kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I feel asleep that night listening to the soft beat of his heart.

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