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"Zo! Hey Zoe! Need a ride?" the male called out making zoe turn around and flash the smallest whisper of a smile. When she turned around her eyes met with the eyes of the male who was smiling a bright and boxy smile. Kim Taehyung, her friend since sixth grade. His smile was one of the brightest smiles out there and it always managed to make Zoe smile no matter how she was feeling. "I would love a ride Tae" Zoe said with a soft smile and nod, she really could use a ride to school since her brother just dropped her at the side of the road.

Taehyung smiled a little more and unlocked the car "Well come on then!" The male called out to his best friend while waving her towards him. Of course Taehyung knew what happened to her parents, everyone knew and that was just the beginning of the problem. Zoe of course didn't want anyone to know but Taehyung knowing was almost comforting.

With a smile and a nod, Zoe practically skipped her way over to the passenger side of the male's car. Despite her situation, in this moment... This moment that wouldn't be anything else but a moment in time... She felt happy. Finally getting to the door Zoe opened it and just got in "Thanks for the lift" she chimed sweetly

"It's no problem really, but I actually forgot something back at my place. Do you mind if we go back for a second?" Taehyung asked her innocently. He didn't really forget anything, he didn't have to go back for anything but he just didn't want the younger female sitting next to him to go into school yet. There had already been rumors spreading around and Taehyung didn't want Zoe to hear any of them on her first day back.

"Oh? Yeah, sure thing Tae!" Zoe nodded and buckled herself in as Taehyung smiled and started to drive off in the opposite direction of the school. The ride was honestly pretty quiet but neither of them really minded. The quiet was a place where someone can think, get everything out without saying a word, a place where there was no judgment, no cruel people... Just peace.

It wasn't long until the two got to Taehyung's apartment. Yes, he was young and living by himself. He liked it better this way. "Come on inside, I'll get you a something to drink" the male said with a bright boxy smile, something that felt safe to Zoe. She loved his smile. With a nod, she picked up her backpack and started making her way up to the door.

Zoe was soon followed Taehyung who was happily making his way up the few, thin steps. "It's unlocked so just go in." He said softly while humming a little after, with a nod and a giggle Zoe opened the door. The familiar scene of cameras, pictures, and some video games made the girl feel almost at home. Nothing was better than being with Taehyung in his little land of fun. Sure he could be a little annoying at times but everyone gets that way.

"I'll get you a Diet Coke" Taehyung spoke as he walked to the fridge "How did you know that's what I wanted?" Zoe questioned while raising an eyebrow playfully. Taehyung looked back at her and chuckled "I've known you since the sixth grade, I know everything about you" he chimed proudly before his pride was almost crushed by Zoe's words.

"You don't know everything... You don't know what I've been through... You'll never experience it. As of now... You barely even know me.. The real me" she paused "you may know what I like to drink or what I like to eat... but you don't even know half of my story Mr. Know it All!"

Hey everyone, sorry It took so long to upload this chapter. I haven't been that inspired to write lately so it was a little hard. I really hope that this turned out okay and it wasn't terrible. Please watch out for the next chapters and please continue to read Mr. Know it All!

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