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dear diary...
its been about a week now.. the funerals were a few days ago and yet somehow, somehow.. i'm not as sad as i should be. i mean i still have jimin and we don't have to go into the system or anything since he's old enough to be my legal guardian so we're not completely alone... but lately, he's been acting different... he's not very talkative. i guess only time will tell what will happen.. goodbye for now.

both jimin and zoe had taken a few days off of school just so they could be away from people for the time being. finally the day came and they had to go back, it was a bad day for both of them... full of rumors that were already spreading around the students. they were used to rumors and most of the time people were right. the two had a bad family and people had already guessed, but now with both of their parents dead... everything just got worse.

today was the day, they were going to school and neither of them were really looking forward to it. the day started with the same annoying sound of an alarm clock which had always woken the two up... but not this time. jimin and zoe were wide awake and out of bed, throughout the past week sleep wasn't really a thing for the two twins. zoe just couldn't get to sleep but jimin, well even though he was strong, even he has a breaking point. the male would wake up every time he fell asleep but he would wake up with a scream or a cold sweat, he would have terrible nightmares that just wouldn't go away. the two were both ready for school and eating breakfast just really taking in the last few minutes they had before their lives would be full of the living hell many people call school. "jimin... come on, we have to get to school" zoe said in an almost monotone voice, hearing the voice jimin just nodded and got his things together "i'll drive you zoe..." the boy said softly while walking to the door.

a few minutes pass and they were already on their way to school, the car ride was long and silent... the silence reminded zoe about the scream she just couldn't get out when an object shattered into a million tiny little pieces right by her head. to jimin that's really all he needed, he needed silence, the incurable quiet that offered at least some support for him to think and sort out his thoughts, he hated the sounds he had heard that night. the yelling, the shattering objects, the gunshots. nothing could make him hate the sound more than those sounds all put together in a couple of last minutes.

"get out, you can walk the rest of the way..." jimin said coldly while pulling the car over to the curb. as the car came to a complete stop zoe already had her things together and tears stinging at her eyes. she got out of the car without hesitation and as soon as she was out and the door was closed jimin started driving again. the female couldn't hold anything back now, tears just started to stream down her face as she began to walk the rest of the way. A few minutes into walking she heard the familiar deep voice calling out from behind her. "Zo! Hey Zoe! Need a ride?" the male called out making zoe turn around and flash the smallest whisper of a smile.

Hey! I'm so sorry for the long wait for this chapter, I honestly feel really bad about not updating for that long. Do you guys know what I'm doing with the text yet? Maybe not but congrats if you do, I'm sure that it will become more and more clear as the story progresses. Anyways, thank you for reading Mr. Know it All! Please look forward to the new update, and also look for the new update for "BTS, a love you can never have" another story I've been working on! Once again, thank you for reading and waiting so long for this new update!

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