Chapter 8

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03/06/2013 6:00 AM

I awaken to the sound of the alarm clock going off. After wiping the sleep out of my eyes, I sit up in bed, reach over to the nightstand with my left hand, and hit the off button on the alarm clock.

"Tired." Liv mumbles.

"Me too." I mumble. Ha-Choo! Ha-Choo! Ha-Choo!

" head hurts." I mumble. Liv places her left hand on my forehead.

"You're burning up. I'm going to go get the thermometer from the bathroom. I'll be right back." Liv gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom. A couple of minutes later, Liv returns with the thermometer, and after she turns it on, I open my mouth, and she places the end of it under my tongue. A few seconds later...Beep! Beep! Beep! Liv takes the thermometer out of my mouth, looks at it, and frowns.

"Oh my...your temperature is 103.7. I'm going to give you a cool bath and some ibuprofen. Do you think you can walk to the bathroom? Or do you want me to carry you?"

"Carry." I mumble. When I'm sick, I act like a small child. One word sentences, and I'm very clingy when I'm sick. I like to be held, cared for, and treated right. I hope Liv doesn't mind taking care of me for the next few days. I talked to a psychiatrist about being clingy when I'm sick, and she said that it's perfectly normal for me to act like a small child when I'm sick.

Liv picks me up and carries me into the bathroom. She sets me down on the floor. She walks over to the bath/shower, and turns the water on. Once the water reaches the right temperature, she puts the stopper in the tub, and walks back over to me.

"Lift your arms." Liv mumbles. I lift my arms, and Liv takes off my wife-beater and sets it down on the counter. Next, she takes off my boxer briefs, and sets them down on the counter, on top of my wife-beater. Liv picks me up and carries me the few feet to the bathtub. She sets me down in the water and I let out a groan.

"Cold." I mumble as I try to get out of the water.

"I know it is baby girl; but it'll help cool you down. Do you want me to wash you? Or..." Before Liv can finish her sentence, I interrupt her.

"You wash me."


A Few Minutes Later...6:20 AM

Liv picks me up and carries me into the bedroom. She lays me down on the bed, and starts drying me off with a towel.

"Do you want me to put a pair of boxer briefs and a wife beater on you? Or do you want to remain naked?"

"Naked." I mumble.

"Ok." After Liv finishes drying me off, she places the towel, under me, and gets off of the bed. She heads into the bathroom. A few seconds later, she exits the bathroom, and walks over to the bed. She hands me a cup of water and three ibuprofen. I take the ibuprofen and then hand Liv the empty cup of water.

"I'm going to go to the pharmacy across the street and get you some cold medicine and more ibuprofen. I'll be back in a few minutes, ok?"

"K. Call Cragen and tell him we won't be in for a couple of days."

"Ok. I'll call him in a few minutes. First, I'm going to shower and get dressed."

A Few Hours Later...10:30 AM

I awaken to the sound of pots and pans banging in the kitchen. After wiping the sleep out of my eyes, I roll onto my back, and let out a groan.

"Hurts." I mumble. A few seconds later, the bedroom door opens, and Liv steps into the room.

"Sorry about the noise baby. I'm making you some home made chicken noodle soup and homemade bread for lunch. Once everything is done cooking, I'll fix you a tray and bring it to you, ok?"

"K. Thanks baby."

"You're welcome. By the way, we have the next three days off."

"K. Hurts." I mumble as I point to my head.

"I'll give you a couple of ibuprofen and some cold medicine with your food, ok?"


A Few Minutes Later...10:45 AM

Liv sets a tray of food down on my lap. I pick up the small cup of cold medicine and the two ibuprofen and take the both of them at the same time.

"Feed me?"

"Sure. Do you always act like this when you're sick?" Liv asks me. I shake my head yes.

"You think it's weird don't you? You think it's weird that I act childish..." Before I can finish my sentence, Liv interrupts me.

"I don't think it's weird baby. I think it's cute. I don't mind doing things for you." Liv says.

"Sowry." I mumble.

"It's ok. Now, what do you want to eat first? Soup? or Bread?"

"Soup." I mumble.

"Ok." Liv picks up the spoon, scoops some soup onto it, and after blowing on the soup to cool it down, she puts the spoon to my lips, and I open my mouth and take the bite of soup. I chew and swallow the bite and let out a moan.

"Mmmmm, good."

"When...when my mom wasn't drunk, she would make me home made soup and bread when I was sick." Liv says.

"Sowry about your mommy."

"It's ok." A few minutes later...I am done eating, and after Liv takes the dishes and tray to the kitchen, she comes back, and lays down next to me. I roll over and lay my head down on her chest.

"Tired." I mumble.

"You should sleep. Sleep is one of the best ways to fight off a cold."

"Love you." I mumble.

"Love you too." Liv says.

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