Chapter 28

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A Few Minutes Later...

"'s time to wake up." I say as I gently shake James. A few seconds later...his eyes open.

"Good morning mommy." He says.

"Good morning baby-boy. How'd you sleep?"

"I slept like a rock."

"Me too baby-boy."

"Can we go to the zoo today?"

"Sure baby-boy."

"Yay! Thanks mommy." James says as he wraps his arms around me. Both Liv and I have the day off today. Fin is in charge when Liv and I have the day off.

"You're welcome buddy. Go shower...I'll be out here if you need any help, ok baby-boy?"

"Ok." James says. A few minutes later...James exits the bathroom fully dressed.

"Let's go wake up your sister."

"Ok." James says. James and I exit his room and make our way to Olivia's room. We enter her room and make our way over to Olivia's bed.

"Good morning mommy and James."

"Good morning baby-girl."

"Can we go to the zoo today?"

"Sure baby-girl."

"Yay! Thanks mommy."

A Few Minutes Later...7:00 AM

John, James, Olivia, Liv and I are currently in the kitchen. Liv is making us breakfast. She's making eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast.

"Who's hungry?" Liv says as she sets a platter full of food down on the table.

"I am." John, James, Olivia and I say in unison. After fixing Olivia, James, and John a plate of food, I fix myself a plate of food and start eating.

"Who's thirsty?" Liv asks us.

"I am." John, James, Olivia and I say in unison. Liv makes her way over to the fridge, opens it, grabs the OJ, closes the fridge, walks over to the cupboard with the glasses in it, grabs five glasses, closes the cupboard and walks over to the table. After pouring five glasses of OJ, Liv sits down, fixes herself a plate of food and starts eating.

"Thanks for breakfast baby."

"You're welcome hon." Liv says.

A Little Over Two Hours Later...9:13 AM

Liv, Olivia, James, John, and I hop out of the car and start walking in the direction of the gates that lead to the Bronx Zoo. We enter the zoo and make our way over to the ticket booth.

"Hello, and welcome to the Bronx Zoo. How can I help you?"

"Can I get two adult winter total experience tickets, and three child winter total experience tickets please?" I ask the kind man.

"Sure. Your total comes to 92.75." I hand him my debit card and he swipes it through the machine and then hands it back to me.

"Here are your tickets. Have a good day." He says as he hands me five tickets.

"Thanks, you too." I take the tickets and put them in my pocket.

"Where should we start?" I ask Liv.

"Let's start at the penguins and move on from there, ok?"

"Ok." Liv, Olivia, James, John and I make our way over to the penguins.

"What are those mommy?" John asks me.

"Those are penguins." I say.

"Penguins...there so cute." John says.

"They are cute aren't they?"

"Ah-hah." John mumbles. He mumbles a lot, like me. A few seconds later...we leave the penguin exhibit and make our way to the polar bear exhibit.

Two Hours Later...11:30 AM

Liv, Olivia, John, James and I are currently inside of The Dancing Crane Cafe. We've already ordered our drinks.

"Hello and welcome to The Dancing Crane Cafe. Can I take you order?" Our waitress asks the five of us.

"Can I get three kids size cheeseburgers and a Reuben please?"

"Sure, and for you?" Our waitress asks Liv.

"Can I get a bacon cheeseburger please?"

"Sure. I'll be back in a few minutes with your food."

"Thanks." I say. Our waitress walks away.

"After we're done eating, can we head to the Bug Carousel?" Liv asks me.

"Sure." I say.

A Few Minutes Later...12:03 PM

We just got done eating lunch. After Liv pays the bill, the five of us leave the restaurant and head for the bug carousel. Once at the bug carousel, we get in line. A few minutes later...we reach the front of the line and after showing our winter total experience tickets to the ticket taker, we enter the carousel area and walk over to a few open bugs. After helping James, John, and Olivia onto a bug, Liv and I hop on a couple of bugs. A few seconds later, the carousel starts and the sounds of giggling fill the air. A couple of minutes later, James falls off of his bug and lands on his arm. I get off of my bug and make my way over to him. He has tears pouring down his face.

"Mommy, arm hurts mommy." James says.

"Shh, it's ok baby boy, it's ok." I say. I can tell from looking at it that his arm is broken. Liv picks him up and cradles him to her chest.

"Shh baby're ok." Liv has tears pouring down her face.

"Someone stop the ride!" I yell. A couple of seconds later, the ride stops. After Olivia and John climb off of there bugs, the five of us exit the ride and start walking in the direction of the front gates.

A Few Minutes Later...12:34 PM

"I need some help over here!" I yell.

"What do we've got?" A nurse asks me.

" son fell off of the bug carousel and landed on his arm. I think it's broken." I say as I place him in the wheelchair.

"We'll take good care of him ma'am. Go take a seat." She says to me.

"Ok." I mumble. Liv, Olivia, John and I walk over to the waiting room and sit down on the couch.

Two Hours Later...2:40 PM

"Mrs. Rollins-Benson and Mrs. Benson-Rollins?" A man dressed in green scrubs and a white coat says.

"That's us!" I yell.

"Follow me please." He says. Liv, Olivia, John and I follow him to a small exam room.

"Mommy!" James says.

"Hey baby-boy. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing good momma. Look what I got." James says as he shows me his blue cast.

"That's really cool buddy." I say.

"Your son is very brave. Here is a prescription for vicodin. If he experiences any pain, give him a pill, ok?"

"Ok...thanks doctor." I say as I take the paper from his outstretched hand.

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