Chapter 31

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05/06/2022 9:09 AM

"Congratulations're in remission." Dr. Rodriguez says to me.

"Thank god." Liv and I say in unison. Ring! Ring! Ring! Liv takes her phone out of the holder on her hip, slides the slider to the right, and puts the phone to her ear.

"Benson-Rollins...yes...ok...ok...ok...we'll be right there...thanks." Liv hangs up her phone and puts it into the holder on her hip.

"We've caught a case." Liv says.


"We've got to go Dr. Rodriguez. Thanks for the good news. We'll talk to you later." Liv says as she grabs my hand and drags me out of the room.

"Why are you in such a rush?" I ask Liv.

"Our a little girl with the same condition as you. She's been molested, beaten, and tortured by her parents. 1PP wants us to arrest the parents and book them for assault, and child molestation."

"Which hospital is she in?"

"Bellevue. I want you and Jane to arrest the parents. I'll call Casey and tell her what's going on. I'll call Fin and Andy and have them head to the hospital."


10:30 AM

"Here is your warrant ladies. Arrest the bastards!" Casey says angrily as she hands me an arrest warrant.

"Thanks Casey." I say.

"You're welcome." Casey says. Jane and I enter the apartment building and make our way to the elevator's. I press the up button. A few seconds later, the elevator on the right opens, and Jane and I step onto the elevator. Jane presses the button with the number eight on it. A minute later, the doors open. Jane and I step out of the elevator, turn left, and start walking in the direction of our victim's apartment. Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Coming!" A woman yells. A few seconds later...the door opens.

" name is Detective Rollins-Benson and this is my partner Detective Nicholas. We have a warrant for you arrest." I say as I hand her the warrant. She opens the warrant and starts reading. I grab her by the elbow and drag her out of the apartment. I push her face first against the wall. I take the warrant out of her hands, put her hands behind her back, and slap a pair of cuffs on her wrists. Jane draws her gun and enters the apartment.

"You are under arrest for torturing, molesting, and beating your daughter. You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say, can, and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can not afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand your rights?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good." A couple of minutes later, Jane and our victim's father exit the apartment.

1:08 PM

Jane and I just got a full confession from both of our victim's parents.

"Thank you for your cooperation." I say.

"You're welcome." Erik, (The Dad.) says. Jane and I escort the pair to our holding cells. We make our way back to our desks. I sit down at my desk, turn on my computer, click on Microsoft Word, and start typing up my report.

"Good work ladies. Drinks are on me tonight." Liv says.

"Sweet." Jane and I say in unison.

"Captain Benson-Rollins!" Fin yells.

"Yes?" Liv says.

"Our victim has been released from the hospital." Fin says.

"Who was she released too?"

"Child services." Fin says. A.N. I don't know what the law is, so I'm making it up as I go. Sorry.

"Ok...Detective Rollins-Benson...can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Sure." I stand up and make my way over to Liv. The two of us enter her office and she shuts the door behind us.

"Can we foster Angelica?" Liv and I say in unison.

"What?" I say.

"Can we foster Angelica?" Liv asks me.

"Sure." I say.

"Ok...I'll call child services and let them know that we want to foster Angelica. If they say yes, we can go to Ashley's home furnishings after work, and buy her a bed. We'll put her in with Olivia."

" that all Captain?"

"Yes...get back to work." Liv says jokingly.

A Few Minutes Later...2:43 PM

I just got done typing up my report. After printing it out, I stand up and make my way into Liv's office.

"Here is my report ma'am." I say as I hand Liv my report.

"Thank you." Liv says.

"You're welcome. What did Child Services have to say?"

"They said we could pick her up after work."

"Sweet." I say. Liv stands up and makes her way over to me. She wraps her arms around me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Love you."

"Love you too." I mumble.

8:00 PM

Liv and I got off of work at six, bought a bed, put it in Olivia's room, and headed to children's services.

"Angelica...this is Detective Amanda Rollins-Benson and her wife Sargent Detective Olivia Benson-Rollins...they're going to take care of you until we can find you a more permanent home...ok?" Alexandra Ashburn asks Angelica.

"Ok." Angelica mumbles.

"Amanda Rollins-Benson was born like you...if you have any questions about your condition, ask her...ok?"

"Ok." Angelica says.

9:09 PM

After Liv and I get Angelica settled in Olivia's room, we make our way to our room. I walk into the bathroom, strip down to my boxer-briefs and wife beater and take a quick leak. After taking a leak, I wash my hands, and exit the bathroom. I make my way over to our bed and lie down on my side of the bed. A few minutes later...Liv exits the bathroom and makes her way over to the bed. She lies down on her side of the bed, rolls onto her side, and smiles at me.

"I think we should adopt Angelica." I say.

"Me too." Liv mumbles.

"I'll call children's services in the morning and tell them that we're interested in adopting Angelica." I say.

"Ok." Liv mumbles.

Two Weeks Later...5/20/2022

"Congratulations Amanda Rollins-Benson and Olivia Benson-Rollins. You are now the proud parents of Angelica Benson-Rollins." Casey says. After signing the adoption papers, we grab Angelica and exit the court room.

It took Angelica a week to warm up to us. she fits right in. She's a beautiful 10 year old girl. I told her everything there was to know about her condition.

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