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Thousands of Asgardian years later

"Thor Odinson, do you swear to protect the Nine Realms?"

"I swear."

"Do you swear to preserve the peace?"

"I swear."

"Do you swear to cast aside all selfish ambitions, and pledge yourself only to the good of all realms?"

There was a pause before Thor answered his father, "I swear."

Nico tuned out the king along with Loki as they sensed the presence of another's magic.

"Frost Giants." Odin muttered as the banners turned to ice.


The small group (Consisting of the Warriors Three - Volstagg, Fendral, and Hogun, Sif, Thor, Loki, and, much to Odin's chagrin, Nico) fled down to the Vault. The dead bodies of guards and frost giants filled the room. Sif and the Warriors Three stared in awe at the Vault, ignoring the bodies, Loki and Nico silently mourned the loss of the guards, and Odin surveyed the damage as the Destroyer, a robot - like defender of the Vault

"The Jotuns must pay for what they've done!" Oh yeah, and Thor wanted to start a war. Odin immediately denied him, and the fight increased. Sif and the Warriors Three were sent out of the room. Nico was permitted to stay (he'd seen much worse arguments between the king and both Thor and Loki).


Thor stormed out of the room, slamming the doors behind him. Loki and Nico were prepared to leave, but Odin turned to them.

"Loki, I need to talk to your slave. Alone."

Loki's face turned to confusion, and he exchanged a worried glance with Nico before leaving. Nico walked over to the king, and bowed. The king nodded, and Nico rose.

"I have an offer for you." Odin started, "I believe my sons are going to attempt something dangerous. I fear they might go after the Jotuns themselves. I ask you to protect them, and if you succeed, whether in death or life, I will make you a warrior, and a hero."

"With all due respect, sir," Nico smiled at him, "I would do it either way. Loki is not only my master, but someone I respect deeply, and Thor is someone he cares for. I would die a thousand times before I willingly let anything happen to them."

"And this you have proven time and time again." Odin said in wonder, "In all my years, I have never met a slave as dedicated as you."

"Thank you, sire." Nico smiled softly, and bowed.

"You are dismissed." Odin told him, deep in thought. Nico nodded, and bowed again, before leaving the room.

Nico soon realized the rest of the group had left for Jotunheim, and hurried to Heimdall.

"You are the young, eternal slave that Loki thinks of as a brother." The all seeing man gave a hint of a smile, "Go, save your friends, but remember that my first duty is to protect Asgard, and should your return threaten our kingdom, I will not open the Bifrost."

Nico nodded, "I understand. There will be no hard feelings if that is the case. Thank you for the warning, sir." He stepped into the Observatory.

Heimdall smiled a bit wider, and opened the Bifrost, "Good luck, Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades. May you return with victory." And Nico was gone.

The Asgardian Son of Hades in THOR - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now