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"Did I make your proud?" Her golden eyes were dimming, and he held back tears.

"Yes." He didn't hesitate to answer, and she smiled softly.

"That's all I ever wanted... Thank you for being... my brother.... I love you, Nico." She was fading, but while she still had a life, he would stay strong.

"I love you, too." Nico told her, showing affection for the first time in years. He couldn't stop the single tear from tracing his cheek, but it seemed to make Hazel happy to know someone would mourn her.

"Please," She told him as the light in her eyes was slowly snuffed out, "Find happiness." Then she went limp, and Nico could feel her soul leave her body. Just like he felt everyone else's.

He screamed in pure, unadulterated fury. His eyes closed, and darkness surrounded him. He walked past the bodies of half of the camp, and the golden dust on the ground was sucked into his sword. As he walked, power slowly gathered around his body. Demigods and monsters alike froze, and let him pass. Nico was numbly aware that his entire body was now encased in a black aura of death, shadows, and terror.

"You've been watching me." Nico was calm and casual, but somehow he was more terrifying than if he were angry, "You saw what I did to my enemies." He swung his sword casually, and it encased itself in red, something no one there had seen before, "But trust me when I say that this?" He laughed menacingly, "This is so much worse."

"Fight me." The opponent he was challenging goaded in a twisted sneer, "Make me fade."

Nico shot out a wave of power, knocking everyone away, and killing every monster, and evil soul around him except his opponent, who he just purposely knocked to the ground, "Very well, Gaea." The earth primordial's eyes widened as the black sword glowing blood red struck her in the chest. There was an explosion of light, and a scream of terror. Nico simply stared, before shadow traveling away. The demigods, who had been knocked out by the blast, slowly awoke. There was no hero in this battle, since no one could remember how it ended. Thousands were declared dead, hundreds more missing. Nico Di Angelo was declared one of the missing who'd most likely died in action. If only that were true.

In the Underworld, Hades knew his son was alive, but he also knew his son needed to stay hidden. Hazel's soul had come down soon before the battle was won. Hades was well aware of what Nico had done. Stygian Iron could kill anything, immortal or mortal. Luckily, no one else knew this... or his son would be dead already. Hades couldn't lose another child, and Hades especially couldn't lose Nico, so he remained silent when Zeus asked the council and himself questions. He omitted that Nico was among the missing that didn't die. What Stygian Iron could do conveniently slipped his mind when he was asked about weapons able to kill an immortal. Nico would be the first of his children to live while staying sane, and Hades would make sure of it.

Hades knew what he had to do next. He put in Nico's name for another Parthenon's taking and made him immortal. He knew his son would never forgive him, but it was for the best. Nico had to survive.


Nico was furious. His father had sold him to the Norse as a slave after making him immortal. His fighting skills, and his eternal life apparently made him 'worth thousands' so he supposed he would be Odin's property, since the ruler was the only one who could afford that. He sighed as the chains on his wrist were tugged. Nico rolled his eyes at the slave trader, and the slave trader grinned as they walked towards a large palace. He was in the middle of a large group of slaves. The others shoulders were slumped, but he stood straight, despite the lurching pulls on the chain. The other slaves cast him nervous glances. His sword remained in the shadows, and his slave outfit (a pair of filthy trousers, and an equally tattered tunic) was three sizes too big.

The Asgardian Son of Hades in THOR - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now